First be sure to install the Boost C++ libraries appropriate for your operating system, as described in Check out the NucNet Tools with a command:
svn checkout svn:// nucnet-tools-code
This will create a folder nucnet-tools-code and download from the svn source all available files. Next, change into the nucnet-toolscode/examples/network directory and make the single zone network code:
cd nucnet-tools-code/examples/network
make run_single_zone
This will download necessary files and compile them. It will leave you with an executable run_single_zone. Now you need the data. Type:
make data
This will download data to data_pub. Now change to the analysis directory and make the analysis codes:
cd ../analysis
make all_analysis
To update the NucNet-Tools, go to the nucnet-tools-code directory and run svn update procedure:
cd nucnet-tools-code
svn update