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Restoring Kinship Worldview cover
Evolved Nest
- Recuperando el auténtico rumbo de la humanidadResumen: La cooperación y la compasión son formas de inteligencia. Su carencia indica que un estrés continuo o tóxico socavó el desarrollo habitual de dichas capacidades. Aunque resulte difícil reconocerlo a primera vista, los seres humanos de la cultura dominante tienden a ser bastante poco inteligentes en comparación con los de las sociedades que han […]
- Political Disruption and the Evolution of Crone ConsciousnessThe crone’s wisdom arises out of the ashes of society’s disintegration. We stand for the continuity of life. Our memories go back into ancient times, and our vision goes forward into a world that our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will inhabit. As men wrestle for power in the halls of government, women find one another, and […]
- Rigid Adults Take Control: What Happened?The USA is being turned upside by ideologues who are not interested in negotiation or compromise but only obedience to their mental models. The nested pathway does not produce such outcomes. So, how did this come about? Why are there so many of us adults who are rigid and motivated to impose our beliefs and […]
- Honoring the Life of Colywn TrevarthenPlease join our Kindred community in recognizing and celebratng of the life of Colwyn Trevarthen, Professor (Emeritus) of Child Psychology and Psychobiology at The University of Edinburgh, who passed on July 1, 2024 at the age of 93. “Colwyn Trevarthen’s work and life contributed to the insights of the Evolved Nest, particularly in understanding the neurobiology of […]
- How Deep Nested Communities Foster Cooperative Companionship instead of Competitive DetachmentWhat can we learn from deep nestedness? Our species-typical existence was one of deep nestedness. Deep nestedness has three elements: (1) ongoing communal nestedness which includes providing evolved nest nurturing to young children to optimize normal development; (2) intergenerational nestedness that honors ancestral wisdom and the wellbeing of future generations; and (3) cosmic nestedness that […]
- Can You “Spoil” a Baby?I hear regularly from parents who are conflicted by the advice they get from family members to let babies cry, that parents should ignore their instincts to respond compassionately to their babies’ needs. And I can’t tell you how many times I hear American adults generally worry about spoiling a baby if, for example, you […]
- Sleep Problems? Open Mouth Breathing? Crooked Teeth?“Virtually all aspects of how modern people function and rest are radically different from those of our ancestors.” (Kahn et al., 2020) Agreed! The focus of this interdisciplinary group of researchers is one seemingly small aspect of the vast differences between our species-typical life course with the species-atypical pathway the modern world is on. They […]
- How New Mothers Are Bringing The Evolved Nest To Life Through Virtual Village Support“I want to have kids someday, but I’m scared— it’s just too much responsibility.” “Have kids? And risk messing up another human being for life? No way!” As a woman in my twenties, I frequently hear statements like these from my friends and peers. Parents are raising their kids with less social and public […]
- Moral Shrinkage: How did we fall so far?Our 6-minute film, Breaking the Cycle, gives the overview of how the dominant culture lost its way. We are in a cycle of competitive detachment, an unnested pathway. First, due to the structures of society and the cultural stories that rationalize them, everyone’s basic needs are not met which especially impacts babies and what capacities […]
- Reimagining Our HumanityFor nearly all of human species existence across the world, child raising was rooted in the maternal gift economy as denoted by the evolved nest. Basic needs were met without resistance. Humans have needs not only for nourishment, warmth, safety, but also a positive welcoming community, affectionate touch, play, mentoring from and interbeing with multi-aged […]
Fresh Eyes
- Unspoken Forms of Communication
- Annoying Babies
- Children Need To Be Fed, Physically and Psychologically
- The Secrets of Raising Infants
- Unspoken Forms of Communication
- Learn to Stop Thinking and Start Being
- John Bowlby and the Need for Attachment
- Want a Better Birth? Go Back to the Basics
- ACES and the Psychology of Chandler from "Friends"
- Incorporating Play Into The Classroom
Contact Info
Darcia Narvaez
Professor of Psychology Emerita
Department of Psychology
University of Notre Dame
390 Corbett Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556
Email: dnarvaez@nd.edu