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Evolved Nest
- Thirteen Ways to Enable Free Play and Other Independent Activities for Your KidsWe live in a child-unfriendly world (or at least a child-unfriendly nation), where children are more or less continuously imprisoned. We have increased the pressures and decreased the pleasures of schooling. We have developed largely irrational fears of letting our kids run free outdoors. Neighbors, police, and child protective services often regard what was once […]
- How This One OLD Story Keeps Shaping the World: With Four ArrowsIf you are curious about discovering your worldview literacy capacities, you’ll love this interview with Claudia Ayuso that covers the basics of exposing the Dominant Worldview, our Old Story, and how we shift to a life-affirming, Indigenous/Kinship Worldview. You can see Four Arrows present in the video at the 14:17 mark. Four Arrows says about […]
- 10 Ways to Be an Exceptional ListenerAre you a good listener? If you ask any person, they will likely tell you they are good listeners. But if you ask the people in their life, you may get another story. The skill of great listening, the kind that really helps those around you feel met, is essential in all areas of life––parenting, […]
- Virtue and Vice, Individual and CulturalPhilosophers have long discussed how one develops goodness. Whereas Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory, rooted in Enlightenment philosophy, emphasized reasoning sophistication with the assumption that aligned action would follow, there was another, older view of goodness—practicing virtue. In fact, Jeffrey Rosen points out that the ‘pursuit of happiness’ that USian male founders wrote about was not referring […]
- Why Goddess Feminism, Activism, or Spirituality?Watch the video interview with Stephanie about this post and her Beyond Attachment post below and here. I consider the word “Goddess” to refer to a state of evolved consciousness. One attains it by being free of trauma and standing unconditionally in one’s Original Brilliance, or empowered selfhood. Women, as I have observed from […]
- Nurturing A Living FutureI just spent most of a week with a set of remarkable women in Devon, England. Organized by Local Futures leader, Helena Norberg-Hodge (with assistance), our interdisciplinary group spent a day planning and then gave a daylong workshop and evening session to about 100, mostly women, participants. The focus was on our work investigating and […]
- Does Your Mind Need To Be Decolonized?We’ve all been psychologically invaded by colonization to one degree or another, shaping the way we think and react. The colonized mind is established in early life when brain/mind is forming itself based on experience. What are some of the characteristics that can adhere to minds colonized from unnestedness? Colonization, decolonization. The terms are […]
- Worldview, Peace, and the Socially-Purposeful Life: Four Arrows Workshop on the Worldview ChartIn this lively discussion and Worldview Chart Workshop, Four Arrows leads us, and Veterans For Peace members, through how to view the recently updated Worldview Chart and how it can be used to create a socially-purposeful life and peaceful world. Kindred World launched the Worldview Literacy Project, a self-directed or community learning program exploring rebalancing […]
- Dishonoring and Disrespecting Young BoysImagine experiencing part of your body being cut off in the first hours or days of life when you were expecting the kind of nurturing care experienced in the womb. What would your reaction be? Rage at the violation. Panic—where’s mom? Fear—life is a horror. Betrayal—my nurturers hurt me. What will you do in reaction […]
- Misogyny Is Rising Along With Its Deeper CauseA few decades ago, an essay in The Economist (“About Men”) asked the reader to imagine a neighborhood where all the women were unemployed. There would be flower gardens and well-kept homes. Then, imagine a neighborhood where all the men are unemployed. The image shifted to one more like that of an unsafe, depressed neighborhood. […]
Fresh Eyes
- Unspoken Forms of Communication
- Annoying Babies
- Children Need To Be Fed, Physically and Psychologically
- The Secrets of Raising Infants
- Unspoken Forms of Communication
- Learn to Stop Thinking and Start Being
- John Bowlby and the Need for Attachment
- Want a Better Birth? Go Back to the Basics
- ACES and the Psychology of Chandler from "Friends"
- Incorporating Play Into The Classroom
Contact Info
Darcia Narvaez
Professor of Psychology Emerita
Department of Psychology
University of Notre Dame
390 Corbett Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556
Email: dnarvaez@nd.edu