An IP partner in Silicon Valley discusses some of the current legislation on patent-trolling and how this could be beneficial for future entrepreneurial activity.
An IP partner in Silicon Valley discusses some of the current legislation on patent-trolling and how this could be beneficial for future entrepreneurial activity.
Great article. Without reading all of the proposed legislation (and believe me, I haven’t), it’s hard to know whether these will fare better than SOPA or PIPA. Meaning not that I think SOPA and PIPA were “good” laws, but that the lawmakers sponsoring them didn’t really have a clue what they’d do, and ran from them like they were nuclear waste once public sentiment turned against them.
Some of the comments are quite interesting, too. I realize that the “open source” movement has plenty of cheerleaders, and in general, I support it. But everything cannot be “open source,” any more than opening up all our houses would eliminate the problem of stealing.