Can we all learn from Israel?

In the spirit of Passover, I thought I’d write a post regarding Israel.

Here’s a fact that I was entirely unaware of: Israel is a burgeoning technology startup market.  Indeed, Israel is aptly named “Startup Nation.”

One of the things that is really animating Israel’s rise in the tech startup space, is an ethos of improvisation in the face of adversity.

As Ari Nahmani, founder and CEO of Jerusalem-based Kahena Digital Marketing, asserts: “Israelis are used to things not going exactly as planned. In fact, they expect the unexpected, and improvise and pivot at such rapid speed that it sometimes feels as if the lemonade was made without lemons,”

Another point of strength is that Israeli culture tends to favor directness. This can help in the entrepreneur space. The article reads:

“The classic Israeli mentality is direct, blunt and to the point — sometimes to Israelis’ discredit. But the upside is that Israelis tend to be very transparent in both their business dealings and their personal lives, embodying a refreshingly genuine “what you see is what you get” disposition.Being direct and up-front can serve you well in business. As long as you are tactful, being direct and transparent with your employees, suppliers, and customers will earn you their trust. And, when people trust you, they’ll feel secure doing business with you.”


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