LexisNexis launches motor-risk scoring system to help better predict losses

*Ahem* not posting this as a Lexis rep, but thought this article was super interesting. Lexis has been getting more into the predictive analytics space lately (they bought Ravel for example, and are dipping into analyzing possible settlements) and I thought this new Attract for Motor concept was cool.

This is basically a new (proprietary) way for insurance agencies to understand client risk. The Director of Product Management at Lexis says this is good for the client and insurance agency, as it allows the client to get a quote tailored to their needs and represents less uncertainty on the part of the insurer.

This feature will allow insurance agencies to deliver precision based quotes in less than a second directly to the consumer (streamlining the consumer’s purchasing process). I think this is interesting, especially given that we’ve been talking a little bit about self-driving cars and liability risks there.


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