
This company manufactures and sells lab grown diamonds. As someone who is cognizant of the problematic diamond trade, lab created diamonds are a really great innovation. This article reads like a Q & A, and the ownership team really provides some sound advice, and they touch upon topics that we have covered in this course. I found this excerpt to be particularly interesting:

“What trait do you depend on most when making decisions and why is that useful for you?

LR: We have a wonderful set of checks and balances when it comes to attitudes and ideas. Jason is the visionary; he’s always looking ahead, thinking of the future, and optimistically planning for growth. I’m the small business owner; viewing the problem analytically and in great detail, asking, “How can we make this happen with the budget allowed?”

Given that we are at the group presentation phase of the course, I thought I’d share an article that uncovers the benefits of effective teamwork.

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