Article discussing lawyers who later became entrepreneurs

Here is an interesting article that provides some anecdotal stories about Australian lawyers who later became entrepreneurs, creating (not-legal-related) small businesses. For example, one man started a DVD rental kiosk business. (See website). The former lawyer appears to value his law degree when it comes to running a new small business, and notes that he particularly appreciates his knowledge of “intellectual property, defamation laws, company structures, fiduciary duties and reporting statutory requirements.” Id. I thought this article was interesting because it pointed out the advantages of having a law degree when trying to start a small business. The article did, however, point out that a law degree could lead to a “false sense of security.” Id. I think this is important to remember–being a lawyer does not inherently make one a good businessman. If starting a new business, we must make sure to also acquire the appropriate business skills or consult with an outside professional.

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