Veronika Scott – what kind of “entrepreneur” is she?

Veronika Scott

Here’s a link to a Detroit Free Press story about Veronika Scott and her EMPWR coats that she’s making in Detroit. As I mentioned in class on Tuesday, the coats/sleeping bags themselves are not only helping the homeless, but her factory is employing and training women who previously lacked job skills. (I was particularly thrilled to read about her partnerships with General Motors and Carhartt.)

We can be cynical (and it’s usually wise to be skeptical), but if we ask more of people – whether in business or outside of it – they often amaze us with what they’re willing and able to do!

“American Entrepreneurship: Dead or Alive?”
“Let’s get one thing clear: This economy is never truly coming back unless we reverse the birth and death trends of American businesses.”American businesses closing

Jim Clifton is chairman and CEO of Gallup, the polling firm. He makes some very interesting observations here – consider them in light of some of the data I showed you this week!

Musical entrepreneurship

By now, we shouldn’t be surprised that artists are among the most entrepreneurial people on the planet – even when they don’t (and most of them don’t) see themselves as “business people.” But of course, many of them go on not only to be “business people,” but actual titans of industry!

Here’s a link Armando sent in …