The Most Entrepreneurial Group in America

This article talks about a successful business started in America entirely by people who had immigrated to America. I thought you might be interested in this article because it raises some interesting points about the benefits to creating a business in America despite having not been raised here.

Immigrants Needed or Not?

These two articles lay out the debate going on in Silicon Valley concerning immigration. On the one side, Silicon Valley entrepreneurs are claiming that there aren’t enough qualified Americans to fill open jobs. On the other side, Forbes cites a study saying that for the 7 out of the 10 top jobs H1-B visas are requested for there are enough qualified Americans.

Ways to Finance Your Startup

Here is an article about some obvious and creative ways people are funding their start-ups. I know that the last group talked about crowed funding which as an interesting alternative to the typical money raising methods, but I also thought this list suggested some other ideas that I wouldn’t have thought of and think you guys might find interesting.

A Quick Digest on the Potential Benefits of the Startup Act

Currently before the Senate is the proposed Startup Act, which would afford visas to foreign entrepreneurs, who hold a master’s or doctorate degree in a STEM field, that start successful companies in the United States. You can find a quick policy brief on the act here: Kauffman Foundation Digest: Startup Legislation

If you’d like to view the proposed bill itself, it is available here: S.181 – Startup Act

Entrepreneurship has no age

The article argues that entrepreneurship is not just for young tech nerds in California. Rather, entrepreneurs should take a lesson from all those old time rockers who are still producing new music well into their 70s. Even though age plays a major role in entrepreneurship, because young people are likely to take on more risk, it does not mean that our older population should stop trying because experience is a major advantage in starting a new business. For example, Ray Kroc started McDonalds in his 50s. Interesting read and gives us all hope that maybe years after being a lawyer we may start a new successful business.