Dr. Wang will give a seminar talk at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Please see the announcement here https://me.engin.umich.edu/sites/default/files/2019-10/Wang%20announcement.pdf
Dr. Wang will give a seminar talk at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Please see the announcement here https://me.engin.umich.edu/sites/default/files/2019-10/Wang%20announcement.pdf
J Wang’s group will give three presentations at 72nd APS-DFD in Seattle,
See you in Seattle!
L. Sun*, H. Gao*, S. Pan, J.-X. Wang. Surrogate Modeling for Fluid Flows Based on Physics- Constrained Deep Learning Without Simulation Data. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2019 (Forthcoming), see preprint
Numerical simulations on fluid dynamics problems primarily rely on spatially or/and temporally discretization of the governing equation into the finite-dimensional algebraic system solved by computers. Due to complicated nature of the physics and geometry, such process can be computational prohibitive for most real-time applications and many-query analyses. Therefore, developing a cost-effective surrogate model is of great practical significance. Deep learning (DL) has shown new promises for surrogate modeling due to its capability of handling strong nonlinearity and high dimensionality. However, the off-the-shelf DL architectures fail to operate when the data becomes sparse. Unfortunately, data is often insufficient in most parametric fluid dynamics problems since each data point in the parameter space requires an expensive numerical simulation based on the first principle, e.g., Naiver–Stokes equations. In this paper, we provide a physics-constrained DL approach for surrogate modeling of fluid flows without relying on any simulation data. Specifically, a structured deep neural network (DNN) architecture is devised to enforce the initial and boundary conditions, and the governing partial differential equations are incorporated into the loss of the DNN to drive the training. Numerical experiments are conducted on a number of internal flows relevant to hemodynamics applications, and the forward propagation of uncertainties in fluid properties and domain geometry is studied as well. The results show excellent agreement on the flow field and forward-propagated uncertainties between the DL surrogate approximations and the first-principle numerical simulations.
Luning and Han are second-year PhD students in J-X. Wang’s group. Congrats!
Presented a paper entitled of Surrogate Modeling for Fluid Flows Based on Physics-Constrained, Label-Free Deep Learning at USC Workshop on Research Challenges at the interface of Machine Learning and Uncertainty Quantification. Please check out http://hyperion.usc.edu/MLUQ/agenda.html
Dr. Wang’s current research focuses on data-enabled, physics-based computational modeling for a number of physical systems, including cardiovascular/cerebrovascular flows, intracranial system, turbulent flows, and other computational-mechanics problems. The main idea is to develop accurate physics-based computational models by leveraging available data from high-fidelity simulations, experiments, and clinical measurements using advanced data assimilation and machine learning techniques. Moreover, he is also interested in quantifying and reducing uncertainties associated with the developed computational models.