It was a really dense conference. Mostly, the professors gave talks about the latest updates of their research. The discussions were at high level. I tried to keep my eyes open to follow almost every talk 🙂 But, it’s worth it 🙂 Here are the topics attracting my attention.

Nano particle synthesis:
–>in-situ FTIR:plasma-nano particle interaction
Graphite (anode–>mix with catalyst), BN nanotube synthesis by arc:
–>B mix with metal (Ni, Co)
Computational plasma:
–>plasmaFOAM, Ti=Tg+((m_i/3k_b)mu_i^2E^2), non-Maxwellian ion number density 10^19 #/m^3
–>sheath oscillation: in low pressure-stochastic heating (can’t apply LFA,local field approx), in high pressure-ohmic heating
Space charge limited emission:
–>in high pressure-Matt-Gurney, in low pressure-Child-Langmuir, further Schrödinger
–>Rougher surfaces have lower breakdown voltage
Social impact:
Plasma-surface interactions:
Hall thruster, BN self heating, catalyst with carbon nanotube:
Tensile stress btw atoms, quantum dots with thermomechanical stress:
–>larger atoms are collected in one dot
10kW, IEDF affects selectivity:
–>by lowering Q-factor under mismatch, more lossy matching –>e energy increases, equilvalent circuit mdelling by M.Kushner
Plasma-based tuning, lower resonance freq–sheath diminishes
–>negative permittivity (meta material) — more number of electrons, conductivity increases
–>DC abnormal glow: i increases, res freq decreases
–>applied freq<< plasma freq (sqrt (e^2 n_e / m Epsilon_0))
–>alpha discharge –> walls are protected by ion bombardment
Double negative meta material (Epsilon<0, Mu<0):
–>1 W, low pressure, dielectric resonator
RF manipulations:
–>tuning number of electrons (n_e), Epsilon(V)=1-n_e/(w^2+v_m^2) where v_m^2=collision resonance freq which is a func of pressure
–>define ‘effective secondary emission coefficient’, i increases, cathode sheath diminishes for gamma mode of RF disch–>it is like DC with switching polarity (AC?)
–>P_noise / delta f = 4kT_e / (1+w^2/v_m^2) , power noise, in metal just P_noise / delta f = 4kT_e but as noise reduces, conductivity decreases.
–>if purpose is to produce high number of electrons, HV, high pulsing rate –>low Te, high n_e
–>Add H2O vapor to reduce T_e
–>pd – 0.0001 Torr cm , field ionization, 20 ps ignition time (e time of flight) n_e – 10^10 cm^-3
CNT growth on substrates, energy storage applications, super capacitor:
In-situ plasma catalysis:
–>NOx with HC, CO2 selectivity increased with Al2O3+Pd
–>Temp in plasma 100 C (?)
–>plasma jet in DRIFT, plastic dome,
–>EXAFS data
–>SEI: 2.637 kJ/L
Carbon arc discharge:
–>600 Torr, 2mm, e, He, C+, C*,C2…
–>55-60 A, low ablation-low deposit if anode diameter is decreased
–>T_e-1 eV
Laser produced plasma:
–>0.8 THz
–>VO2 for microsatellites