This camp is an extension of JINA’s Art 2 Science after-school programs which seek to ignite stellar imaginations through an integrated STEAM approach to learning. Participants learn about math, science, and engineering through creative hands-on projects including art projects. Activities are designed by collaborations with local artists, science teachers, and more! For more information, please visit
Category Archive: Engage Your Summer
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Physics of Atomic Nuclei (PAN)
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QuarkNet is a program which brings high school students and teachers into contact with particle physics at a very interactive and appropriate level. High school students can take on research in ongoing experiments with University researchers both undergraduate and educators. These students take an active role and will help complete a research project during their time in the program. The program also has online opportunities available to both educators and students. These include e-Labs and online Masterclasses which give the student or educator an easy entry into particle physics. If you have any questions about these programs, are curious to find out more, or are anxious to sign up, send an email to Prof. M. Wayne ( or go to
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