
Gold sponsors:
The European Physical Journal D: Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics

Silver sponsors:

Bronze sponsors:

Information for sponsors
We are offering 3 levels of sponsorship to vendors:
GOLD ($1,000): Includes company logo on the conference website and all conference materials (event displays and agenda, Powerpoint slide backdrop, book of abstracts), one (1) free conference registration to attend and set one company table for one full day of the conference (August 4th or 5th)
SILVER ($500): Includes company logo on the conference website and all conference materials (event displays and agenda, Powerpoint slide backdrop, book of abstracts), one (1) free conference registration to attend and set one company table during a poster session (5-9 PM EST, August 5th)
BRONZE ($300): Includes company logo on the conference website and all conference materials (event displays and agenda, Powerpoint slide backdrop, book of abstracts).
For payment by credit card:
For payment by International Wire Transfer or Check please contact Lisa Driver at