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The ROAR lab is actively looking for talented graduate/undergrad students & postdoc fellows interested in robotics, AI, control & learning.

Undergraduate students: If you are Notre Dame undergraduate student interested in carrying out undergrad research with ROAR lab, please send an email to mhou at nd dot edu.

Prospective Ph.D. Students & postdoc fellows: If you are interested in pursuing a PhD in my group, please apply to the Notre Dame EE graduate program, and mention Prof. Mengxue Hou in your research statement. Please also send Prof. Hou an email (mhou at nd dot edu) with your CV and the research areas that interest you. If you are interested in pursuing a postdoc, email directly with your CV and research interests. Strong candidates should be self-motivated, passionate about research, interested in robotics, and have strong programming skills. Candidates with ANY of the following qualifications would be particularly encouraged:

  • prior experience with robotics or AI research;
  • knowledge in machine learning & optimization;
  • programming skills in matlab or python.

Note: The deadline for admissions into the Notre Dame EE graduate program is Nov. 1, 2023 for Spring ’24, and Dec. 15 for Fall ‘24!