
[J9] Jiankuo Cui, Mengxue Hou, Zheng Peng, YingWang, Jun-Hong Cui, “Hamiltonian based AUV navigation using adaptive finite-time trajectory tracking control,” in Ocean Engineering, 320, 120329, 2025.

[J8] Yingke Li, Mengxue Hou, Enlu Zhou and Fumin Zhang, “Dynamic Event-triggered Integrated Task and Motion Planning for Process-aware Source Seeking,” in Autonomous Robots, 48, no. 8: 1-20, 2024.

[J7] Mengxue Hou, Enlu Zhou, Tony X. Lin and Fumin Zhang, Mori-Zwanzig Approach for Belief Abstraction with Application to Belief Space Planning,” in Autonomous Robots, 49, no. 1: 1-23, 2025.

[J6] Xueming Zhang, Mengxue Hou and Zhongsheng Hou, “Data-Driven High-Order Point-to-Point ILC With Higher Computational Efficiency,” in IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, pp. 1-16.

[J5] Meriam Ouerghi, Mengxue Hou and Fumin Zhang, “Laplacian Regularized Motion Tomography for Underwater Vehicle Flow Mapping with Sporadic Localization Measurements“, in Autonomous Robots, 48 (10), 2024.

[J4] Haoyan Zhai, Mengxue Hou, Fumin Zhang and Haomin Zhou “Method of Evolving Junction on Optimal Path Planning in Flows Fields“, in Autonomous Robots, 1-19, 2022.

[J3] Mengxue Hou, Sungjin Cho, Haomin Zhou, Catherine R. Edwards and Fumin Zhang, “Bounded Cost Path Planning for Underwater Vehicles Assisted by a Time-Invariant Partitioned Flow Field Model“, in Frontiers in Robotics and AI (8), 2021.

[J2] Mengxue Hou, Qiuyang Tao and Fumin Zhang, “Human Pointing Motion during Interaction with an Autonomous Blimp“, in Scientific Reports, 12, 11402, 2022.

[J1] Meriam Ouerghi, Sean Maxon, Mengxue Hou and Fumin Zhang, “Improved trajectory tracing of underwater vehicles for flow field mapping“, in International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 1-17, 2021.

[C21] Yu Zhou, Ruochu Yang and Mengxue Hou, “Flow Field Estimation in Underwater Vehicle Navigation using Sporadic Image Observations”, in 22nd International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots, 2025, under review.

[C20] Xiaoran Zha and Mengxue Hou, “An Mori–Zwanzig Formalism based Estimation Approach for Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance”, in 22nd International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots, 2025, under review.

[C19] Ruoshi Liu, Huy Ha, Mengxue Hou, Shuran Song and Carl Vondrick,“Self-Improving Autonomous Underwater Manipulation”, in 2025 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), accepted.

[C18] Ruochu Yang, Mengxue Hou, Junkai Wang, and Fumin Zhang, “OceanChat: Piloting Autonomous Underwater Vehicles in Natural Language”, in 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), under review.

[C17] Shaojun Ma, Mengxue Hou, Xiaojing Ye, Haomin Zhou, “High-dimensional Optimal Density Control with Wasserstein Metric Matching“, in 2023 Conference on Decision and Control (CDC),Singapore, Dec. 2023, pp. 6813-6818.

[C16] Ruochu Yang, Mengxue Hou, Chad Lembke, Catherine R. Edwards, Fumin Zhang, “Real-time Autonomous Glider Navigation Software“, in Proc. of MTS/IEEE OCEANS’ 23, Limerick, UK, Jun. 2023, in press.

[C15] Mengxue Hou, Yingke Li, Fumin Zhang, Shreyas Sundaram, Shaoshuai Mou, “An Interleaved Algorithm for Integration of Robotic Task and Motion Planning“, in 2023 American Control Conference (ACC), San Diego, CA, USA, Jun. 2023, pp. 539-544.

[C14] Yingke Li, Mengxue Hou, Enlu Zhou and Fumin Zhang, ”Dynamic Event-triggered Integrated Task and Motion Planning for Process-aware Source Seeking”, in 2023 American Control Conference (ACC), San Diego, CA, USA, Jun. 2023, pp. 527-532.

[C13] Ruochu Yang, Mengxue Hou, Chad Lembke, Catherine R. Edwards and Fumin Zhang, ”Anomaly Detection of Underwater Gliders Verified by Deployment Data“, in 2023 IEEE Underwater Technology (UT), Tokyo, Japan, Mar. 2023, pp. 1-10.

[C12] Mengxue Hou, Tony X. Lin, Haomin Zhou, Wei Zhang, Catherine R. Edwards and Fumin Zhang, ”Belief Space Partitioning for Symbolic Motion Planning, ” in 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Xi’an, China, Jun. 2021, pp. 8245-8251.

[C11] Sravya Kondrakunta, Venkatsampath R. Gogineni, Michael Cox, Demetris Coleman, Xiabao Tan, Tony Lin, Mengxue Hou, Fumin Zhang, Frank McQuarrie, and Catherine R. Edwards, ”The Rational Selection of Goal Operations and the Integration of Search Strategies with Goal-driven Marine Autonomy,” in Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems, 2021.

[C10] Qiuyang Tao, Mengxue Hou and Fumin Zhang, ”Modeling and Identification of Coupled Translational and Rotational Motion of Underactuated Indoor Miniature Autonomous Blimps,” in 2020 16th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), Dec. 2020, pp. 339-344.

[C9] Tony X. Lin, Mengxue Hou, Catherine R. Edwards, Michael Cox and Fumin Zhang, ”Bounded Cost HTN Planning for Marine Autonomy,” in Global Oceans 2020: Singapore – U.S. Gulf Coast, Oct. 2020, pp. 1-6.

[C8] Ziqiao Zhang, Mengxue Hou, Fumin Zhang, and Catherine R. Edwards, ”An LSTM based Kalman Filter for Spatio-temporal Ocean Currents Assimilation,” in Proc. of ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks and Systems, Atlanta, US, Oct. 2019, pp. 1-7.

[C7]  Mengxue Hou, Haoyan Zhai, Haomin Zhou and Fumin Zhang, ”Partitioning Ocean Flow Field for Underwater Vehicle Path Planning,” in Proc. of MTS\IEEE OCEANS’ 19, Marseille, France, Jun. 2019, pp. 1-8. (best student paper/poster award)

[C6]  Mengxue Hou, Qiuyang Tao, Paul Varnell and Fumin Zhang, ”Modeling Pointing Tasks in Human-Blimp Interactions,” in Proc. of the 3rd IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), Hong Kong, China, Aug. 2019, pp. 73-78.

[C5] Mengxue Hou, Shijie Liu, Fumin Zhang and Catherine R. Edwards, ”Path Tracking Error Analysis for Underwater Glider Navigation in a Spatially and Temporally Varying Flow Field”, in Proc. of MTS\IEEE OCEANS’ 18, Charleston, US, Oct. 2018, pp. 1-6.

[C4] Mengxue Hou, Shijie Liu, Fumin Zhang and Catherine R. Edwards, ”A Combined Path Planning and Path Following Method for Underwater Glider Navigation in a Strong, Dynamic Flow Field”, in Proc. of MTS\IEEE OCEANS’ 18, Kobe, Japan, May. 2018, pp. 1-8.

[C3] Qiuyang Tao, Jaeseok Cha, Mengxue Hou and Fumin Zhang, ”Parameter Identification of Blimp Dynamics through Swinging Motion”, in Proc. of International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICRAV), Singapore, Nov. 2018, pp. 1186-1191.

[C2] Mengxue Hou and Shangtai Jin, ”Simulation Comparison among Three Data-Driven Control Methods for the Planar Manipulator”, in Proc. of 10th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), Sabah, Malaysia, May. 2015, pp. 1-6.

[C1] Shangtai Jin and Mengxue Hou, ”An Improved Full-Form-Dynamic-Linearization based MFAC for a Class of Nonlinear Systems”, in Proc. of 34th Chinese Control Conference(CCC), Hangzhou, China, Jul. 2015, pp. 3045-3050.