Farewell to Linsey Laufenberg

While we wish her well, we’re sad to report that Linsey Laufenberg has accepted a new job as Special Events Manager at the Wisconsin Historical Foundation in her hometown of Madison, WI.  It has been wonderful to work with Linsey over the past few years, and she has been a tremendous help in the Office of Gift Planning and the Development Department.  She also worked on several events during the Love The Notre Dame Initiative and the Badin Guild weekends.  We will miss her pleasant interactions with colleagues and benefactors, and hope she returns to her alma mater to visit often.

Chris DeTrempe and Ken Hendricks

8 thoughts on “Farewell to Linsey Laufenberg

  1. Hope you enjoy your new position in Madison. We are sorry to see you go. When is your last day?

  2. Linsey has been the best co-worker ever! We will all miss you dearly and your baked goods, of course;-)
    Hope you have an exciting great adventure!