Special Events & Stewardship Endowment Mailing

Special Events & Stewardship is thrilled to share that more than 3,800 personalized letters and endowment reports were mailed on Friday, October 31st, to more than 2,700 University benefactors. Principal donors’ packages also included special narrative updates, in accordance with their personalized stewardship plans, a letter from John Affleck-Graves for those with bequests or other estate commitments, and updates on current capital projects when appropriate. This marks both the earliest these report packages have been sent and the largest quantity ever prepared!

All FY14 endowment reports have been added to Advance and are accessible via the “Endowment Reports” link on the allocation window. Please let me know if you have any difficulty accessing any particular report. You’ll also note that the FY13 reports remain for reference. Going forward, we will maintain a five-year history of reports at this location. Hard copies of capital project updates will be provided to primary solicitors later this week, and all special updates for principal benefactors have been scanned and will be added as contact reports in Advance as quickly as possible.

Special thanks as well to Larry Helmsing, Donna Adams, Jay Rizzi, and Carleen Quinlan for their partnership and efforts in making this feat possible!

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone or e-mail.

Thank you,

Mary Fisher

One thought on “Special Events & Stewardship Endowment Mailing

  1. Great work everyone! I’m sure the amount of work that goes into something like this is hard to imagine. You are appreciated for all you do!