Development Halloween Party update

Due to “Roz” getting her paperwork messed up and not having it in to the Halloween Committee on time, we  neglected to include Gift Planning as being part of the winners in the Development Halloween Party for their spectacular display of Monsters, Inc.

Anita, Annie, Carolyn, Anne, Jennifer, Brooke and William, along with Jill and  Andrew will be celebrating their WIN with a lunch of their choice.
Inline image 1   Inline image 2 Inline image 4Inline image 5  Inline image 6
Again, CONGRATULATIONS to Gift Planning, Principal Gifts and Development Services

Photos should be back from the photographer sometime this week. Once we get those, we will post  and you will be free to download and print photos.
Start planning your theme for next year!
Brigette and Pam
The Halloween Committee

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