College of Engineering Announcement

Dear College of Engineering Faculty and Staff,

I write to you today to announce that I will be stepping down as Dean of the College of Engineering effective June 30, 2019.  It has been my privilege and joy to serve the College over the last 10 years.  Notre Dame is an extraordinary place and a unique experiment in higher education, and I have been blessed to participate in that experiment and in the remarkable growth of the College of Engineering over the last decade.  You, the faculty and staff, along with our students, have made that all possible.  All aspects of the College have seen impressive growth over those years: student enrollments, faculty headcount, degree production at all levels, research expenditures, national awards and so on.  You have made that possible and it has been a great experience for me to participate in that.

Provost Burish has asked if I could help with the transition to a new Dean of Engineering and I am pleased to be able to help in any ways that I can.  The new Dean will enjoy a remarkable collection of colleagues, an unsurpassed cohort of students, and an energetic and enthusiastic staff.  I look forward in the future to hearing of the impressive accomplishments of you in all areas of activity: teaching, research, service, community engagement, commercialization, and other impactful ways of being a “force for good” in the world.  Please know that you will all be in my very best thoughts and prayers and thank you for making my time as Dean so enjoyable.



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