Parking Enforcement at Eddy Street Offices

Building management has informed us they will begin enforcing the no parking and loading zone parking areas underneath the Eddy Street building. In addition to the “No Parking” signs on the circle itself, there are new signs on the east side of the small island indicating that is now a loading zone area only. Any vehicle parked in either of these areas is subject to be towed.

For very short term visits (less than 15 minutes) please use one of the short term spots along the west side of the island or along the drive across from the building, next to the grassy berm by the Medical School. Otherwise, please park in the parking garage. Passes to exit the garage free of charge are available from the ESC front desk.

Thank you for your assistance with these parking issues. I appreciate your help in being good neighbors to our fellow Eddy Street tenants. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Carolyn Hardman

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