Congratulations Ellen Roof

I am pleased to announce that Ellen Roof has been promoted to Program Director, ND Loyal and Young Alumni Giving.  ND Loyal, which recruits and trains a committed group of volunteers to serve as giving ambassadors for the University, has played an instrumental role in increasing Notre Dame’s undergraduate alumni participation rate, driving more than 1,000 new alumni donors in its first year.  In this role, Ellen will develop and manage the strategy for the recruitment, training, and engagement of all volunteers, as we seek to build a team of 600+ volunteers and bring in 2,000+ new alumni donors by June 30.    
While taking on these new responsibilities, Ellen will continue to oversee Senior Legacy.  Under Ellen’s leadership, senior class gift participation rates have reached historic marks, exceeding 80% in FY 18, a new University record.  She will also supervise our young alumni strategy, as we identify ways to maintain a strong culture of giving in the years immediately following graduation.
Please join me in congratulating Ellen!


Matt Gelchion

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