Farewell Brian Green and Henry Scroope

With excitement for their future and grateful for their past with us, we bid farewell to Brian Green and Henry Scroope.

Brian and Henry joined Development in 2010, charter members of what has become known as the Wall Street Initiative in fundraising. Brian received his undergraduate degree from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, MN, and earned his Master of Education degree from Notre Dame in 2001. He joined the staff at ACE before his move to Development. Henry came to Notre Dame in 1993 and never left, earning a BA in Government and International Studies in 1997. He worked in Athletics prior to his tenure in Development.

Both Brian and Henry have been valued mentors, collaborators and colleagues, not just to their regional teams, but to all of Development. They have always held our mission dear and clear in their work. We will miss their thoughtful and strategic collaboration, their ability to tell an amazing story, and their humor. Their efforts have brought Notre Dame closer to her vision of being a force for good in the world.

Our dynamic duo is embarking on a new adventure, Northstar Consulting, where they will consult to the education sector. They will transition on or about August 30. We wish Brian and Henry, together with Melissa and Maggie and families, the very best. They are forever Notre Dame!


Anne Griffith and Bill Ribera

3 thoughts on “Farewell Brian Green and Henry Scroope

  1. This is such an exciting opportunity for the both of you, but I still can’t believe you’re leaving. You know I I could be your coworker there too. Keep in touch.