New Advisory Council for Global Priorities is Launched Notre Dame Worldwide

The effort to become more global is as important for the next generation at Notre Dame as the effort to develop research was in the last. Every part of the University, in collaboration with Notre Dame Global (formerly Notre Dame International), will contribute to a more global Notre Dame.  

With this, we are launching a new council this fall – the Advisory Council for Notre Dame Worldwide – dedicated to supporting the global aspirations of Notre Dame 2033: A Strategic Framework (pp. 22-26) and the specific objectives defined in the University’s forthcoming global strategy report. 

This council is unique in that it will offer broad access to academic leaders across the University. Support through this council will be vital to the success of integrating and implementing this global strategy and the University’s overall mission to be a force for good in the world.

Objectives of the Advisory Council for Notre Dame Worldwide:

  • To promote the funding priorities for NDG, the international priorities of the Office of Financial Aid, and other global priorities of the University.
  • To enhance the relationships of leading NDG and international financial aid donors with the University’s President, Provost and Executive Vice President.
  • To increase our presence internationally through undergraduate student experiences, international student presence on campus, graduate exchanges, and increased research and programming, particularly in the Global South. 
  • To convene leaders from across the University, showcasing multidisciplinary, global initiatives. 


With the creation of this new council, and the goal to grow beyond a regional focus, we have dissolved the Latin American & Caribbean AC. Four members from the LACAC have been invited to serve as inaugural members of this new council. The remaining members will be retired from the AC program and their leadership and service will be acknowledged by Fr. Jenkins.

Michael Pippenger, Vice President & Associate Provost for Internationalization, will serve as the AC leader for Notre Dame Worldwide. Caitlyn Clinton is the Academic Advancement partner for ND Worldwide.

If you have questions about this new council, or anything Advisory Council-related, contact Betsy Quinn at

To learn more about the rebrand of Notre Dame Global, read the recent news release here.

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