Welcome to the 2024 Summer Intern Cohort!


We are thrilled to announce the arrival of our 2024 Summer Intern Cohort! This summer, we are excited to welcome interns from a diverse array of backgrounds and academic disciplines. Each intern has been carefully selected for their unique skills and potential to contribute meaningfully to our projects. As they embark on this journey with us, they will be involved in a variety of tasks, gaining hands-on experience and contributing to the success of our department.

We encourage everyone in the office to extend a warm welcome to our new interns. This is a fantastic opportunity for both our colleagues and new interns to learn from each other. Whether it’s through a casual coffee chat, collaboration on project work, or a formal meeting, let’s make every effort to integrate them into our community. If you’d like to learn more about the interns and their work over the summer prior to connecting with them, please feel free to visit our google site UR Interns 2024. We are excited about the journey ahead and look forward to seeing the growth and achievements of our 2024 Summer Intern Cohort.

Welcome aboard, interns! We are delighted to have you with us.

Adria Logan
Associate Director, Organizational Strategy

Stephanie Washington,
Learning and Leadership Development Associate Director, Organizational Strategy

Best Wishes, Matt Abernathy!

Dear Colleagues,

I write to share the news that Matt Abernathy is no longer at the University. Matt joined the team in 2017 as a Regional Director on the Illinois team. We are grateful for his work with benefactors over the last few years and wish him nothing but the best.

In Notre Dame,
Ashley Gerard