Baby Clothes & Toys Needed for Saint Bakhitas

From ND Professor Wendy Angst:

Hello everyone!  The second cohort of ND-Inspired Innovation Scholars at Saint Bakhitas started classes last week!  This year we have 19 nursing mothers in our program, which equals 20 babies (one of the young women has twins!).  We are in need of baby clothes (size 6 – 12 months) and baby toys!

Theresa Foley and I head off Friday 3/10, along with 18 Notre Dame students, so would need any donations by the end of day Wednesday, 3/8 so that we can get them distributed among suitcases for our journey.  Please drop off any contributions to the amazing Ashley Heberling in MCOB 304.  Or if you do not have time to shop and would like to donate money, that would of course be welcome too!

Thank you, as always, for your prayers and support!  And stay tuned for exciting updates from this trip that will include community immersions, prototype testing, and our first-ever Innovation Fair with our recently graduated class of Scholars.
Go Irish!

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