Prayers Requested for Deena Chamberlin’s Husband Eric

Deena’s husband Eric went to the ER two weeks ago with a blood clot in his leg. Two days ago, part of it separated and traveled to his lung. Doctors will be implanting a filter in his artery this morning, Thursday, to reduce chances of further blockage. Deena and Eric would appreciate everyone’s thoughts and prayers. Thanks.

12 thoughts on “Prayers Requested for Deena Chamberlin’s Husband Eric

  1. Deena I am praying for you guys, and your doctors. Hugs to all! Please don’t hesitate to ask for help – I would be happy to help you in any way!

  2. Deena, Eric will both be in my thought and prayers for a full recovery. God Bless.

  3. Deena,
    Please let us know if we can do anything at all for you. Praying for Eric’s health and recovery!

  4. Deena:

    Praying for a successful surgery and speedy recover for Eric. I’m also sending prayers for you and your family. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. Hang in there!


  5. Prayer to your husband and the doctors at this time for a fast healthy recovery.

  6. Deena
    Know that I am thinking about you and your family Deena, and praying for a quick recovery for Eric.

  7. Deena –

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and Eric, whatever I can do to help, please let me know!
    You have a team of supporters here!
