Road to Discovery 2015

Dear Team,

What a ride! The Road to Discovery 2015 has already been quite an incredible journey.

We kicked off last week with a great event and met some great donors in Riverhead, New York, and have had events every evening since then. We have met some amazing Notre Dame alumni and friends, as well as families affected by Niemann-Pick Type C disease. I spent a lot of time with some young Pennsylvanians, Andrew and David, who both have NPC. David wants to attend Notre Dame, and I’m still trying to convert Andrew. Here are some links, if you want to learn more about their story:

We have even had a lot of media opportunities to promote the University of Notre Dame’s mission: (

We feel blessed by the support we have received and feel so grateful for all of you who have helped to promote these efforts.

Greg will be riding through town today, and we are having a fun reception from 6:30-8:30pm at Jordan Hall. It is on the reunion weekend schedule, and it will be done in typical College of Science fashion (free t-shirts and drinks). Please rsvp to

I hope you can join us. Go Irish! And let’s raise some money for this great cause at ND!

Please join the College of Science and Notre Dame Club of St. Joseph Valley in welcoming the Road to Discovery to Notre Dame!

Jordan Hall of Science Galleria 
Thursday, June 4
6:30 – 8:30 pm

Enjoy refreshments and hors d’oeuvres with the Notre Dame family and learn about this cross-country bike ride and Notre Dame’s role in fighting Niemann-Pick Type C (NPC) from Greg Crawford, dean of the College of Science, Coach Ara Parseghian, and Cindy Parseghian, president of the Ara Parseghian Medical Research Foundation.

Be sure to bid on great silent auction items, including signed Coach Ara Parseghian memorabilia. All silent auction proceeds will benefit rare disease research at Notre Dame.

This is a family-friendly event, and complimentary food and beverages will be provided. Please RSVP so we can best prepare for refreshments; however, walk-ins are welcome.


For additional info contact Sean Kassen at or 574-631-4689

Learn more about the Road to Discovery:


Sean Kassen

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