Promotions, Special Events & Stewardship

Dear colleagues:

I am happy to share news of several changes and promotions within the Special Events & Stewardship team! I am happy to announce the following promotions and changes effective July 1:

  • Beth Ferlic has been promoted from an assistant director to an associate director. Beth has led the stewardship programs for fellowships and lifetime stewardship benefactors with grace and intellectual curiosity. She has served as a skillful writer on our team as a voice of Father John, and other campus leaders. She is also gifted at connecting with people and creating meaningful events and experiences for our benefactors. She will continue to partner closely with Dan Crossen, and her newer partners, Shannon Cullinan and Drew Buscareno, on principal donor stewardship.
  • Lauren Fox has been promoted from an associate director to a program director. Lauren has added much creativity and discipline around the campaign events. She has also been instrumental with Executive Officer events including the Faculty Dinner, Advisory Councils and Commencement. Lauren helped to develop and teach standardized tools surrounding event planning and execution. She is passionate about messaging the priorities and mission of the University within the event experience.
  • Cristi Ganyard has been promoted from an assistant director to a program director. Cristi has led several major programs with much grace this year. In addition to managing the Advisory Councils’ fall meetings and events as well as Commencement, Cristi also led the team in the Fr. Ted Hesburgh events and activities planning. She has developed an excellent rapport with the Executive Officers and their teams and has received specialized training in protocol this past year.
  • Jessica Reasons has been promoted from an assistant director to a program director. Jessica has received many accolades for her management of the Wall Street engagement events taking place throughout the country. She is also known for her “can do” attitude, and has contributed greatly to the Advisory Councils, Music City Bowl, campaign events, and Commencement.
  • Kris Machalleck has been promoted from lead coordinator to assistant director of Special Events & Stewardship. As the partner to Gift Planning, Kris is responsible for developing principal stewardship plans for all donors within Gift Planning Officers’ portfolios, taking a leadership role in Badin Weekend planning, and leading Donor Advised Fund reporting. Her knowledge base on reporting and systems is exceptional, and she serves as a team leader in these areas. Kris also has key roles in event planning, capital reporting, and the stewardship program for scholarships.

Please join me in congratulating these five colleagues. Happy summer!


Katherine Lane, MSA ’00, Sr. Director, Special Events & Stewardship

6 thoughts on “Promotions, Special Events & Stewardship

  1. Congratulations to all. We appreciate all you do for our donors and value our partnership! Well done, ladies!

  2. Great news and congratualtions to all on the Stewardship & Special Events Team!