UR Cookie Exchange

Please sign up to join us on Monday, December 6th at 3PM in the Eddy Street Cafe for our second ever UR Cookie Exchange! Please identify what cookie you plan on sharing, as well as if you have any allergies. To help keep our gathering self, please separate your cookies into separate plastic bags (about 6 cookies per bag) so other participants need only to grab a bag. Please indicate whether you’re able to join by Wednesday, December 1 so that we know how many cookies are needed. Happy Baking!

Mittens for Margot

Please help us honor the life of Margot Witous, daughter of Jess Witous, by donating new or gently used mittens, hats, scarves, or coats to the Christ Child Society of South Bend throughout the month of November. Donations can be dropped off at Christ Child Society of South Bend at 2366 Miracle Ln. Mishawaka, IN 46545 or in one of the collection bins at our Eddy or Grace Hall offices starting later this week.

IRA Charitable Rollover Email and Updated Brochures

Dear Colleagues,

This Sunday, November 14, an email will be sent to approximately 25K entities who are 70 1/2 or older to remind them that they can make an impact at Notre Dame this year and reduce their tax liability through an IRA Charitable Rollover. Recipients will also have the opportunity to download our revised IRA Charitable Rollover and Tax Strategies for 2021 Charitable Giving brochures.

If you have any questions regarding this communication, please contact Laura Walker.

Do You Need Christmas Gifts for Your Donors?

Consider these awesome options:

Meghan Sullivan’s Book: The Good Life Method
Meghan Sullivan, Wilsey Family College Professor of Philosophy and Director of NDIAS, has a new book “The Good Life Method” coming out on January 4 (co-authored with ND philosopher Paul Blaschko). It’s based on her legendary “God and the Good Life” class. We anticipate the book will make a big splash, and Penguin is going all out with its promotion. The book is a love letter to Notre Dame and the formation we offer to our students, and the thousands of students who have taken the class have had a huge part in shaping the book.

We’re making an advanced order of the books and would like to invite you to consider it as a Christmas gift for your benefactors. We are pleased to be able to offer you the book at a price of $17 (list price is $28). NDIAS can assist you to make a journal transfer from your budget FOAPAL to pay for your order. Books are scheduled to be delivered the first week of December to the NDIAS and we will then deliver them to you at the Eddy Street Development office.

Please fill out this form to let us know how many copies you’d like to order. We ask you to complete the form by November 2. Please let Karen Deak know if you have any questions, and thank you!

Does your benefactor (or you) like tea? Support an IDEA Center Startup
Sila is a premium self-care tea brand that helps you take a pause and return to yourself. They create moments of introspection through carefully written questions, reflections, and reminders designed to help you cultivate a specific virtue in your life. Sila makes tea an intentional beverage focusing on the importance of taking the time to connect with ourselves and others. You can find their products and learn more at www.livsila.com. Feel free to reach out to founder Cristina Riojas Pennington criojasp@nd.edu if you have any questions!

UR November Birthdays

Happy birthday to all our UR colleagues celebrating their special days in November! We’re so thankful to work with you!

11/2 – Ling Sun
11/4 – Tom Molnar
11/7 – Mike Sullivan
11/8 – Michelle Joyce
11/10 – Ernestine Gardner
11/10 – Jennifer Witucki
11/12 – RaeLee Rea
11/13 – Sean Sharpe
11/14 – Shannon Forry
11/17 – Sara Liebscher
11/20 – Sara Kassen
11/23 – Debra de St. Jean
11/23 – Jennifer Odell
11/27 – Vahid Sadrzadeh
11/29 – Casey Miles
11/30 – Angel Hess

New Version of The Gift That Grows

Hello everyone!

We are happy to announce that there is a new version of The Gift That Grows brochure. There are a few notes that come with this update:

  • This is an electronic document only, there will be no hard copies handed out or printed
  • The Gift That Grows brochure is located and has been uploaded under the Gift Management Process tab on the UR intranet
  • All gift agreement templates have been updated to reflect this new version
  • For any new endowment gift agreement, please refer to and use this new copy when sending the gift agreement and brochure to your benefactor

Thank you so much for your cooperation and we hope this new version is useful and informative for all parties involved. Thank you also to everyone that reviewed the brochure and provided feedback, we are very excited to finally roll out the 2021 version!

If you have any questions about location, utilization, or anything else, please contact Katherine Cinninger or Matt Rombalski.
