Gift & Data Management – No Gift Processing Friday 1/26/2024

With almost two weeks of gift processing under our belts, the Gift and Data Management team will be using Friday, January 26th as an opportunity to assess lessons learned, work on individual backlog items, and ensure processes implemented will be sustainable as we ramp up for fundraising initiatives coming in the next few weeks. We will not be processing gifts or pledges on Friday but will have coverage of our 1-5150 phone line and email. We will return to our regular processing on Monday January 29th.

2023 Charitable Giving Tax Statement

Dear Colleagues,

Yesterday, we started sending our 2023 Giving Statements electronically. The initial send was a subset of the overall population of 22,000+, which was comprised of payroll deduction donors, ND DAF donors, and a small sampling of donors that give through multiple pipelines (ie. stock gifts, IRAs, etc.)

The subject line is 2023 Charitable Giving Tax Statement: University of Notre Dame, and the sender was the University of Notre Dame using the

We anticipate all electronic copies to be sent by EOD today, January 23. All hard copies will be sent before Wednesday, January 31.

If your benefactors have questions, please encourage them to search by the subject line, sender, and/or send date (1/22 and 1/23).

FAQs and other pertinent information regarding 2023 cumulative giving letters can be found here.

Thank you,
Alyssa Strbjak

ESC Elevator Delays

Please note that due to the construction happening on the 2nd floor of the ESC offices, the elevators are significantly delayed to the 1st floor. Kite is aware of the situation and is periodically resetting the elevators. If you are unable to wait for the elevator, please be advised to take the stairs or to take the Investment Office elevator to the 4th floor, where you can then either take the elevator down to the 3rd floor or use the stairs. Thank you for your cooperation and patience.

Welcome, Baby Scrace!

I am delighted to share that proud parents Tom Scrace and Sarah Carruthers welcomed baby boy John Bessette Scrace on January 7. Weighing in at 7lbs 13oz, John is settling in well at home with his new dog besties. Congrats to the wonderful family!

– Amanda Retartha

Interested in Donating Blood?

South Bend is in desperate need of blood this January. The American Red Cross is sponsoring a blood drive tomorrow, Tuesday, January 9th from 11am to 4pm at the IDEA Center. Please “Walk the Walk” and consider being a blood donor to meet our area’s needs.

UR January Birthdays

Happy birthday to all our UR employees celebrating their special days in January! We hope this new year brings you joy!

1/2—Koby Keck
1/3—Andrea Swanagan
1/4—Molly Cosby
1/5—Nancy Cole
1/6—Elicia Dennis
1/6—Dylan Reed
1/7—Drew Buscareno
1/9—Kate Brown
1/11—Colleen Bailey-Knapke
1/11—Stu Fortener
1/12—James Riley
1/13—Laura Walker
1/16—Tracey Cantwell
1/17—Matt Frazier
1/19—Jeff Fersch
1/21—Matt McVeigh
1/21—Michael Stark
1/23—Nadia Erickson
1/24—Suzanne DeGuillo
1/24—Melissa Lechlitner-Lewis
1/24—Katie Leigh
1/25—Kelly Courington
1/25—Lou Nanni
1/26—Chris Baguer
1/26—Joanne Norell
1/30—Geoff Stookey
1/31—Bryan Reaume

Save the Dates! Badin Guild Spring Events

2024 Endowment Update
Please join us Thursday, February 22, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. ET, for the 2024 Notre Dame Endowment Update. This private, invite-only event is for participants in Notre Dame’s charitable remainder trust and donor advised fund programs. The event is an opportunity to learn more about the University’s Endowment and participate in a question-and-answer session with Mike Donovan and the Investment Office team. Invitations to CRT and DAF benefactors will be sent in January.

Badin Guild Naples Cocktail Reception
The annual cocktail reception in Naples, Florida, will be hosted on Thursday, February 29, 2024. from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Club at Mediterra. This event is graciously hosted by Chris and Megan Fereday. Invitations for this event will be sent in late January. If you have planned giving prospects that will be in the Naples area at that time that you would like to invite, please contact  Laura Walker.

Badin Guild Mass of Thanksgiving
On Sunday, March 17, 2024 at 10:00 a.m., Father John Jenkins will remember the intentions in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. Intentions may be submitted here by Sunday, March 10, 2024. We encourage you to join us in person for this Mass.

Badin Guild Cocktail Reception at Reunion 2024
On Thursday, May 30, 2024, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. the Badin Guild will host a cocktail reception during Reunion 2024. Invitations for this event will be sent in April.

Please contact Laura Walker with any questions regarding these Badin Guild events.

ESC SMART Cars Winter Parking and Garage Parking Reminders

With winter coming, we have been working with Kite Properties to adjust parking location for the ESC Smart Cars.  Here is the detail about parking for the SMART cars this winter.
  • Parking for SMART Cars  #12 & #14 has been moved to the south end of the parking area beneath the building on the east side (the Harper Hall side).  This parking will be in effect through March 2024.  The parking signs for these cars have been switched so the #12 & #14 signage is now on the winter parking locations and the cars have been moved to the appropriate spaces.
  • The normal parking spots for SMART cars  #12 & #14 now have signage with “No Parking”. These spots will be used by both Kite Properties through March 2024.  If one of these spots (or both) is open, do not assume it is available for use.  Please note, the signage includes verbiage that cars may be towed at the owner’s expense.
Kite Properties has asked that we send a few reminders about parking:
  • If you need to pick up or drop off, use the circle drive adjacent to the lobby doors.  The use of flashers in this loading/unloading zone is encouraged.
  • If you have an access card for the parking garage, you should not be parking along Eddy Street as that parking is for customers visiting the storefront venues along the street.  If you do park along Eddy Street, you may be ticketed.
  • Staff using access cards are required to park above the “bump” on the 1st-floor ramp.  If you have an access card, you should not be parking on the 1st floor of the garage.
You can find more details about parking in the Eddy Street garage here.
If you have any questions, please contact Lana Taylor (