Giving Society Commencement Event Attendees


Please use the link below to view the attendees for the Giving Societies Commencement Reception Friday, May 18 from 3-5 at the South Club – O’Neill Hall fourth floor. We are near capacity for this event, so please direct any additional requests to attend to me. If you have further questions, please feel free to reach out.
Shannon Longo
Donor Experience Events Coordinator

Finishing Strong-Update from Tim Willis


First, let me say how incredibly grateful Sue, Mike, Brian and I continue to be for your ongoing support and prayers. Your warm embrace continues to both envelope and inspire us.

Over the next few weeks, I will be working remotely and also be off for a few days to celebrate my son’s upcoming Memorial Day weekend wedding. While I plan on being highly engaged during this intervening period, I fully realize that I will need to lean on others as we approach both FY18 year-end  and our all important FY19 annual planning cycle. There are a host of activities and responsibilities which I believe require local energy, focus and presence.

As a first step, I’m thrilled that Kevin Deeth has accepted our invitation to assume some interim leadership responsibilities. During his tenure, Kevin has not only produced prodigious results on all fronts, but has also embodied the urgency, culture, partnership and team-first spirit we aspire to embrace. Kevin will not only represent the Midwest in select leadership forums,  but will also take the lead on driving towards the region’s urgently important unrestricted goals. He will also be asked to collaborate with me, Micki, my fellow SRD’s and other programmatic leadership regarding FY 19 annual planning and other critical priorities through June 30th.

I appreciate your willingness to embrace Kevin’s role and continue to drive strongly towards fiscal year end. That’s one of the best things you can do for me during my absence. I look forward to returning to campus in mid-June to once again roll up my sleeves with all of you. Until then, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any thoughts, issues or to just say Hi. Miss you all

Gratefully, Tim

College of Engineering update:

Please contact Eugenio Acosta AAD for Engineering with any specific questions or concerns regarding the news below:

The following message was shared with Engineering faculty and staff today:

Dear Colleagues,

 As I mentioned several weeks ago in late March, I will be stepping down as Dean of the College of Engineering here at Notre Dame, a position I have had the privilege and joy to serve in for the past 10 ½ years.  I am pleased to report that I recently accepted the position of Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago.  IIT is a venerable institution with roots in the late 1800s and has a wonderful mission of commitment to underserved populations in the Chicagoland area.  It is also committed to STEM and professional education.  I will assume my new role August 1, 2018.

In the coming days, Tom Burish will be appointing an interim Dean of the College to serve over the next year while conducting a national search for a permanent dean.  I am deeply committed to helping the interim dean and the College during this important time of transition, and I am only a short drive away after August.

 Again, it has been my privilege and joy to serve such an outstanding University and College of Engineering. Together, we have accomplished much in the last decade and, for that, I am very deeply grateful to all of you.  I will take my very fond memories of my time here at Notre Dame with me to Chicago.  Please know you will all be in my thoughts and prayers.

With my warmest regards, in Notre Dame,


2019 U.S. Senior Open – Giving Societies Ticket Offer

On May 9th, all current members of Sorin, Rockne, OSTM, JCOS, President’s Circle, and Cavanaugh Council and their spouses will receive an email inviting them to purchase volunteer and ticket packages to next year’s U.S. Senior Open at the Warren Course before the general public and at an extraordinary value.
More information on these packages can be found in this shared folder:

A reminder email is scheduled for May 20th.  Members have until May 25th to take advantage of this offer.
For any questions, please contact:
Danielle Baiunco, U.S. Senior Open
Jonathan Retartha ’07
Manager, Donor Experience

Congratulations to Jennifer McGuire

Dear Colleagues,
We are excited to announce Jennifer McGuire’s promotion to Program Director, Athletic Events & Stewardship.
During her four years with the University, Jennifer has served in both traditional Stewardship and Special Events roles, most recently as Assistant Director within the Executive Events & Stewardship team.
Jennifer is innovative and creative in her approach to stewarding donors and planning events. Jennifer is a true student of the Event industry, staying apprised of food and design trends and always looking for fresh ideas to engage and delight our guests. Jennifer was instrumental to the success of last fall’s Riley Scholarship Dedication, the recent True to Her Name event weekend, the Thursday night Joint Advisory Council dinners, and Lou and Carmen Nanni’s Welcome Weekend breakfast, among many other events.
In her new role, Jennifer will serve as our liaison to the Athletics Advancement team and serve as their primary point of contact for events ranging from celebrating our endowed coaching positions, Advisory Council for the Student Athlete events as well as the tried and true Ask Jack events on football weekends. Jennifer will also assist in additional cultivation events such as the Sorin Pay and Wall Street events.
Congratulations to Jennifer on her new role within our Special Events & Stewardship family!
In Notre Dame,
Karen Sunshine and Cristi Ganyard

crmND News – Enhancement Update


 In an effort to streamline Visit Contact Reports, we’ve made a few enhancements.

Deleted Fields

  • Interests
  • Objective
  • Location
  • Ideas to Enhance Engagement


Renamed Fields

  • Outcome – Significant Visit Details
  • Goals/Next Steps – Actions/Next Steps


Repurposed Fields

Data stored in the Objective field will be combined with the “Significant Visit Details” and Ideas to Enhance Engagement will move to “Actions/Next Steps”.

Effective Date – Monday, May 7, 2018

Intern Celebration

We are grateful for the contributions of students who served as interns this academic year:

Hazem Khazbak, ’18
Claire Solomon, ’18
Elicia Dennis, ’18
Salonee Seecharan, ’18
Katie Smith, ’19
Laura Xi, ’19
McKenna Cassidy, ’20
Tony Castrodale, ’21


Stay tuned for the announcement of the summer 2018 intern cohort starting June 4!

For Notre Dame,

Bryan Reaume




Sympathy to Ian and Conor Montijo

Our deepest sympathies go out to Ian and Conor Montijo on the death of their grandfather, John Aloysius O’Brien Lt. Colonel USMC (Ret.) on April 26, 2018.

The viewing and Rosary are today, Friday May 4th, with the funeral tomorrow in Tucson, Arizona. The Lt. Colonel will be buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

The full obituary may be found here




Celebration and Honoring Mothers

Each year at this time, the Alumni Association helps the Notre Dame family celebrate and honor their mothers and mother figures. More than 5,000 Mother’s Day postcards have been mailed by students — postage paid by the association. Here are ways you can participate:
  • Submit Grotto Prayer Requests: On Friday, May 11, join us the Grotto at 12:30 p.m. for a prayer service for all mothers in the Notre Dame family. All Notre Dame faculty, staff, and students are invited to attend. If you cannot join us, special intentions submitted here will be prayed at the Grotto. You may also view the prayer service live on the Alumni Association’s Facebook page.
  • Pray a Novena for Moms:
    This year, we are offering a special Novena to Notre Dame, Our Mother as part of our Mother’s Day celebration. If you are not already subscribed to FaithND’s Daily Gospel Reflection, sign up to continue praying with us each morning through Mother’s Day.
  • Stories Exploring Motherhood: We Are ND is publishing a collection of stories that chronicle a few of the joys and challenges of motherhood, from the surprise of an unexpected pregnancy to dealing with a tragic loss. Hear from moms within the Notre Dame family and learn from their journeys at

Congratulations to Kristin Schoenfeld!

Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to announce Kristin Schoenfeld’s promotion to Sr. Administrative Assistant for the East and West teams!

Kristin has been a valued member of Notre Dame Development since joining ND in 2004. She served as an administrative assistant for seven years in Law School Advancement before transitioning to the Donor Experience Team, where she focused on the Order of Saint Thomas More and Rockne Heritage Society. In 2012, Kristin joined Regional Development as an assistant for the East and South teams. Kristin is an innovative partner in creating donor strategies and stewardship plans, managing the day-to-day, and a generous “best practice” contributor to the overall team. We are thrilled to welcome Kristin and her smiling positivity to the East and West teams.

Kristin will officially transition to her new role on Tuesday, May 29, following her “trip of a lifetime” to Hungary. Please join us in congratulating Kristin on this well earned promotion!

In Notre Dame,

Stu Fortener and Anne Griffith