Welcome Dr. Colleen Cross to Foundation Relations

Please join me in welcoming Dr. Colleen Cross to the Foundation Relations team as our Mellon Foundation Postdoctoral Associate this year. Colleen served FR previously in the role of Graduate Fellow before earning her Ph.D. this July from Notre Dame in Theology and Peace Studies. Colleen additionally holds an M.T.S. in Systematic Theology from Notre Dame and a B.A. in Religious Studies and Classics from the University of Arizona. She brings her expertise and energy to the FR team, supporting our proposal development and foundation engagement efforts to secure funding for Notre Dame’s research and scholarship. In this new virtual environment, I have encouraged Colleen to reach out to UR colleagues by email to meet some of you and learn about your work. Thank you in advance for connecting with Colleen as she spends her year with FR.


Michelle Joyce

Senior Director, Foundation Relations

University Hiring Nurses

Please share the following opportunities below with the nurses (RNs) in your life!

We’re experiencing an urgent need for nurses right now: Notre Dame is rapidly expanding our health care capacity so we can keep students, staff, and faculty as safe as possible.

Opportunities including part time, temp/on-call, and full time: Registered Nurse (Limited Term)

Questions? Interested people & potential applicants can reach out directly to the primary Talent Acquisition Consultants for these roles: Caity Daus (cdaus@nd.edu) and Susan Hlade (shlade@nd.edu). It’s OK to share their contact information with your networks.

Thank you for everything you do to keep us HERE!

Best Wishes to Katie Engel

Dear Colleagues,

It is with mixed feelings that we announce that Katie Engel’s last day will be on Friday, August 14.

Katie will be starting a PhD program in public policy at American University’s School of Public Affairs this month. She will be focusing on research related to the intersections of health policy and social welfare program evaluation.

I’ve only had the pleasure of working with Katie for a short-time but I know she has been a great partner and resource to many of you as she worked on, and most recently led the Prospect Research Team. I have enjoyed working with Katie; her detailed and diligent work will be greatly missed! If you had any projects with Katie, please reach out to your regional prospect management consultant for a transition plan.

Please join me in congratulating Katie and wishing her success in this next chapter!

Congratulations Katie,
Amy Schell

August Matching Gift Email

The August Matching Gift Email will send this coming Tuesday, August 11 to this list of assigned entities who work for matching gift companies, have made a gift since June 4, 2020, and as of today have not yet matched their gift. These gifts represent over $190K in potential matches.

Please note that individuals on the second tab of the excel file (“Fundraiser Outreach”) have not received the matching gift email message (all gifts exceeding $25,000) but may be eligible to match their gifts totaling $2.9M. You are encouraged to reach out to your assigned benefactors directly to discuss the details and answer questions related to the matching gift process.

If you have any questions regarding this matching gift communication, please reach out to Laura Walker.

Recruitment Corner – Referrals

Even through a hiring freeze, we continue to reach out to talented people to chat about how great it is to work with Development at Notre Dame! Strengthening our pipeline of engaged and qualified professionals empowers us to hire the best people – fast – once we get the green light to hire again. Help us bring more talented people into the fold: we’d love your referrals!

Tara Gilchrist is trying something new to make referrals easier for you & those you refer, especially as more people become impacted by economic uncertainty in the days ahead. Share this Calendly link with anyone you think would be great for Development. They’ll be able to easily schedule a 30 minute call directly with Tara.


  • Easy: No introductory email needed, no need to create or send a resume, no communication delays.
  • Engaging: They will chat directly with the key recruiter – a real live person!
  • Shareable: Your referrals can share it with anyone they think would be interested in working in Development as well.
  • Extra shareable: Feel free to share the link with your networks however you like (in email signature, LinkedIn or other social media, text, carrier pigeon, etc.).


You are still welcome to shoot Tara a note or an introductory email to someone you’d like to refer! This link is just an additional tool to make these connections easier. Please feel free to reach out to Tara directly if you have any questions at tgilchri@nd.edu. In the meantime, here is the raw link: https://bit.ly/Join_the_Mission_at_Notre_Dame

Revised Tax Strategies Brochure for 2020

Dear Colleagues,

A fully revised tax strategies brochure, incorporating recent changes from both the SECURE and CARES Acts is now available here and may be useful in conversations with your benefactors.

This information was promoted in an email that was sent on Sunday, August 2 to ~40K giving society members, FY20 donors and entities that had requested this information previously.

Please contact Laura Walker with any questions regarding this material.

ESC & Grace Conference Rooms

Good morning team,

As we are preparing for the fall semester to begin next week, we wanted to provide an update about conference room usage. These procedures will be in effect beginning August 10th through December 22nd for both Eddy Street and Grace Hall.

While the anticipation is that the UR staff will be working largely remotely this fall (90% remote 90% of the time), we do realize that at times an in-person or hybrid meeting may be appropriate and we want to ensure that this can be accomplished.

To ensure we are following University protocols, the Business Continuity team has been working on procedures for using conference room space in both Eddy Street and Grace Hall. This document provides the details about safety protocols, cleaning schedules, and conference room usage.

There are a couple of notes:

  • The maximum occupancy for each room has been adjusted according to University’s social distancing guidelines.
  • Additional signage under the HERE campaign has been added throughout Eddy Street & Grace Hall.

If you have any questions, please contact Gavin McGuire or Lana Taylor. If you prefer to submit questions anonymously, you can do so using this google form. We will have a section in each week’s SouNDoff to address any questions or concerns.

Thank you for all that you do on behalf of Our Lady’s University.

-Gavin McGuire & Lana Taylor

Fall Interns – Accepting Project Proposals and Student Referrals


We are grateful for the 101+ colleagues who directly engaged with summer interns through June and July. Special thanks to UR Leadership, those who served as supervisors/mentors, and all Zoom presenters. This generous investment yielded a transformative experience.

Due to summer impact, with the directive and support of Lou and UR Leadership, we are pleased to expand (extend existing & create new) centrally-funded internships for the coming academic year.

Click here to submit a project proposal for a Fall Intern

This semester we are seeking talent from all academic levels for students who will bring to our teams diverse perspectives, dedication to their work, and a mission driven spirit.

Let us know if you have any questions on submitting a project proposal or have student referrals, 

Bryan Reaume and Mary Flynt