Welcome Lillie Kathleen Dance!

On Sunday, May 22, a day after her birthday, our colleague, Isabel Dance, and her husband, Austin, welcomed their little girl, Lillie Kathleen! Lillie entered the world at 6 pounds, 7 ounces and 18 1/2 inches. Both Lillie and Isabel are doing well. Please join me in welcoming Lillie!! Congratulations Isabel and Austin!!

Two Open Roles for Academic Advancement!

If you’re thinking about applying for the Senior Director, Academic Advancement role, don’t wait too long! It will close this Thursday 5/26/22 at 11:59PM EST.

We’re excited to post the Development Associate, Academic Advancement role, which will be open until Tuesday, June 7th. If you’re ready for a new challenge, please apply! If you know someone who would love this role – please share! Questions? Reach out to Tara Gilchrist: tgilchri@nd.edu, or schedule 15 minutes to chat with this link.

Headshots Available


For those of you who participated in the April 19 headshot session, you can find your photos in this album:


password: headshot

You may download your choice directly from the site. If you wish to replace your UR Directory photo with one of these new options, please download your choice and send it on to Mary Flynt.

Thank you.

Welcome Emma Joy Gelchion!

On Monday, May 16, our colleague, Matt Gelchion, and his wife, Brittany, welcomed their little girl, Emma Joy. Emma joined the world at 6 pounds and 18 3/4 inches. Both Emma and Brittany are doing well. I am sure you will join all of us in sending our best wishes to this beautiful family.


Congratulations, Mayuri Changede!


Please join us in celebrating the promotion of Mayuri Changede to Information Strategy Specialist! In her new role, Mayuri will be embedded on the Prospect & Research Strategy team. She will continue to report to Patty Kokesh on the Data & Strategic Analytics team but will have a dotted line to Andrea Swanagan. Mayuri will have increased responsibilities in the area of data and analytics, helping to drive innovations and insights through data and dashboards for the Prospect & Research Strategy team.

Mayuri joined University Relations in 2013 and has contributed to many projects in her tenure here including being a major contributor to the Fundraiser Dashboard, Advisory Council Dashboard and many ad-hoc reports, in addition to keeping our Business Objects Universe up and running. Mayuri has been slowly transitioning into this new role and we plan to post her replacement position in the coming weeks.

Congratulations, Mayuri!

-Carleen Quinlan

Note of Thanks from Annie Geary

Dear friends,

Please know of the extreme gratitude for all of your support, prayers and love for our family as we mourn the loss of my dad. We have truly been lifted up by the stories and kind words you shared.

Our Notre Dame family is such a blessing, bringing us comfort and peace during a difficult time.

Thank you!

Much love, Annie

Sorin Play Open Dress Rehearsal Invitation

The Sorin Play is back! Now you have the opportunity to see the play for the first time after three years at its open dress rehearsal on May 27.

Date: Friday, May 27, 2022

Time: 7:30 PM ET

Location: Decio Theatre, DPAC

Please RSVP before 5 PM, Friday, May 20. Limit three guests per RSVP due to limited seating available. Please reach out to Lin Wang at lin.wang@nd.edu if you have any questions.

Farewell to Zach Thurston!

UR Team,

Please note that Friday, May 13, will be Zach Thurston’s last day on the Marketing Operations, Annual Giving team. Zach will be taking his experience and skills to Bloomerang as their Marketing Automation Manager.

Zach has been a rockstar on our team the past three years and we’re thankful for how he has truly elevated our work. A couple spotlights of his work include building our Giving Society online event experience, acknowledgements automation, department-wide online event communications, Notre Dame Day, and many other solicitation and stewardship projects. Beyond his work efforts, we will miss his obsession for coffee and positive, can-do attitude.

If you were working with Zach directly on any projects, please contact me for a plan of transition. The role of the Senior Digital Campaign Specialist will be posted on jobs.nd.edu in the coming weeks. We will release further information regarding this vacancy as it becomes available.

Please join us in congratulating Zach and wishing him all the best in this next chapter of his career!

Lauren Dolzan

Commencement 2022: Giving Society Event Registrations with Fundraisers


We’re gearing up for our 2022 Commencement event for our giving society members and wanted to ensure you had the list of registrants and their assigned primaries for your review.

As of Monday, 5/9, we still have limited room available, so if members in your portfolio wish to attend, please ask them to give us a call at 574-631-5198.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out via donorexperience@nd.edu.

Thank you!
-Donor Experience Team