Regional Development: The Stewardship & Donor Relations Team Needs Your Input!

The Stewardship & Donor Relations team is currently partnering with the Office of Strategic Planning and Institutional Research to conduct a University-wide review of the current state of stewardship toward better understanding, coordinating, and ultimately enhancing these activities for University benefactors as part of the next fundraising initiative.

Recognizing that members of the regional development team take varied and highly personalized approaches to stewarding benefactors in their respective portfolios, we are asking for your assistance with this effort! If you currently carry a portfolio of individual benefactor families or provide administrative support for those who do, we ask that you please assist us by completing the short six-question survey linked here by Friday, June 17.

Please note that other units within Development that engage in stewardship activities will be contacted by their respective stewardship liaisons to engage in similar discussions on the topic.

Thank you for your continued partnership, especially during this busy time. Any questions about this effort should be directed to Mary Fisher.

Expense Reimbursement for International Travel Requires Travel Registration

Dear colleagues and graduate students,

Over the past several months, we have gradually resumed University-related international travel. Recognizing that travel is critical for academic and professional pursuits, we are committed to facilitating travel under safe conditions.

With the resumption of international travel, we are also updating important measures to ensure that we can respond quickly and effectively if conditions change abroad. When crises occur, knowing our travelers’ locations and contact information is essential.

As part of Notre Dame’s COVID-19 response, the University has required travel registration for all international trips taken by faculty, staff, and graduate students. (It has long been required for undergraduates.) The registration for faculty, staff, and graduate students will soon be incorporated into the University’s ongoing travel policy. In addition, proof of registration will be required for approval of the related expense report or for reimbursement by Notre Dame for all international travel.

Effective July 1, 2022, all faculty, staff, and graduate students traveling abroad on University business must register their travel in advance and attach their confirmation email to their Concur expense report. This process is similar to the requirement to attach an agenda when traveling for a conference. Expense reports will not be approved nor reimbursements made without travel being registered. This policy will take effect for international travel commencing after June 30, 2022.

The University no longer requires vice president or dean approval for international travel; however, individual units may choose to administer their own approval process. Please check with your business manager if you have questions regarding approval for international travel.

Read the full travel protocol here

Our priority will always be the safety and security of our students, faculty, and staff. We appreciate your attention to this important requirement for international travel.

Chris Maziar, Interim Provost
Shannon Cullinan, Executive Vice President

UR June Birthdays

Happy birthday to all our UR employees celebrating their special days in June! We wish you lots of Summer fun!

6/1 – Rebecca Lane
6/2 – Joseph Sheehan
6/3 – Cristi Ganyard
6/3 – Pier White
6/4 – Kelsey Forry
6/5 – Courtney Quinlan
6/8 – Dawn McGrath
6/8 – Megan Andedo
6/8 – Maureen Daday
6/8 – Matt LaFlash
6/8 – Sharon Keane
6/10 – Danielle Filgueira
6/11 – Bill Ribera
6/12 – Carolyn Lax
6/16 – Lauren Donahue
6/16 – Rich Reynolds
6/19 – William Mitchell
6/21 – Brigette Kinney
6/22 – Anastasia Envall-Latowski
6/28 – Monica May
6/29 – Mark Witucki
6/30 – Jessica Witous
6/30 – Sara Aycock

Welcome Dr. Ken Camm to the Corporate Relations Team!

Please join me in welcoming our new Senior Director of Corporate Relations, Dr. Ken Camm. Ken’s most recent role was as Global Technical Account Director at Johnson Matthey, a global sustainable technologies company, where he worked for 14 years in the UK and the US.

Ken received his PhD in Chemistry from the University of Leeds in the UK, and subsequently carried out Postdoctoral research at the University of Ottawa in Canada. In addition to bringing knowledge of academia and years of experience with corporate engagement, Ken also brings to the role a commitment to the mission of the University.

Ken lives in Granger with his wife Heather and two children, Penelope and Edward. We are thrilled that Ken begins his role with the CFR team on June 1.


Welcome Lillie Kathleen Dance!

On Sunday, May 22, a day after her birthday, our colleague, Isabel Dance, and her husband, Austin, welcomed their little girl, Lillie Kathleen! Lillie entered the world at 6 pounds, 7 ounces and 18 1/2 inches. Both Lillie and Isabel are doing well. Please join me in welcoming Lillie!! Congratulations Isabel and Austin!!

Two Open Roles for Academic Advancement!

If you’re thinking about applying for the Senior Director, Academic Advancement role, don’t wait too long! It will close this Thursday 5/26/22 at 11:59PM EST.

We’re excited to post the Development Associate, Academic Advancement role, which will be open until Tuesday, June 7th. If you’re ready for a new challenge, please apply! If you know someone who would love this role – please share! Questions? Reach out to Tara Gilchrist:, or schedule 15 minutes to chat with this link.

Headshots Available


For those of you who participated in the April 19 headshot session, you can find your photos in this album:

password: headshot

You may download your choice directly from the site. If you wish to replace your UR Directory photo with one of these new options, please download your choice and send it on to Mary Flynt.

Thank you.

Welcome Emma Joy Gelchion!

On Monday, May 16, our colleague, Matt Gelchion, and his wife, Brittany, welcomed their little girl, Emma Joy. Emma joined the world at 6 pounds and 18 3/4 inches. Both Emma and Brittany are doing well. I am sure you will join all of us in sending our best wishes to this beautiful family.
