The Notre Dame Metrics Collection

Tenured & Tenure-Track Faculty Hiring Demographics Report

This collection of reports provides a broad look at the metrics related to our University-level strategic goals.

  • The collection includes 82 reports with over 190 individual metrics from more than 60 sources on a wide variety of subjects.
  • These reports can be instructive in examining the University’s progress toward goals and in your own decision-making.
  • Categories include Stewardship, Undergraduate Education, Research and Scholarship, Catholic Character, and External Engagement.

Featured Reports from the Notre Dame Metrics Collection

The following reports showcase key data points related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. They answer questions such as: Has the percentage of enrolled undergraduates increased or decreased over time for a specific race/ethnicity group? How does the percentage of female tenure/tenure-track faculty at Notre Dame compare to those at other institutions?