The Student Enrollment Collection is Live!

Graduate ND Report

The Student Enrollment Collection is officially available. Rolled out in December 2022, this collection was curated for easy access to reports looking at student and instructor data.  

Answers to common questions are now answered in just a few reports!

Reports were created based on common queries of the Office of the Registrar and Office of Strategic Planning and Institutional Research.  Road Shows were held in November and December 2022, both in person and virtual, for every college on campus, with department chairs invited to each.

What is available to see today?

  • There are 5 Reports based on Student Data: Low Enrollment, Curricula Totals, Graduate ND, Class Search, AdHoc.
  • There are 3 Reports based on Instructor Data: Teaching Activity, Class Instructor History, Instructional Productivity.

What is still in development?

  • Reports that consolidate several end-of-semester grading reports.
  • Reports to assist in review of potential graduates (credit hour completion).
  • Reports that view data over time, based on ‘milestone’ snapshots. These will be helpful when viewing data changes over a period of time.
  • Datasets to allow users to write their own reports.