Apple’s Innovation Drought

In light of our discussion about RIM’s failure to innovate, here is a short article Forbes arguing that Apple has not innovated since the iphone. Despite the record profits and stock price the companies long term health is questionable.

“Since the iPhone, Apple has had no innovation. The iPad and all the versions of the iPhone since are variations on the same thing. The only interesting possibility for innovation is Apple Pay.”

Moreover, the article describes two types of CEO’s “opportunity-driven ones who transform organizations to seize new markets and operationally-driven ones who boost profitability and make a company’s numbers each quarter.” The article concludes with the author stating that Tim Cook seems to be operationally-driven.

2 thoughts on “Apple’s Innovation Drought

  1. Is it possible that innovation is happening inside Apple and it isn’t being revealed?

  2. I would be surprised if anything huge was happening in side the company because (1) we would have heard rumors by now; and (2) Apple is not currently led by an innovator, or a dreamer. Tim Cook has a rather traditional educational background, and he seems less concerned with innovation than he is with releasing variations on already-existing products. Steve Jobs changed the business models of music and telecommunications, and it is going to take something revolutionary for Apple to stay relevant, particularly with the quality of smartphones coming out of other companies. I do not think Tim Cook will be the one to do it.