Jump-Start Your Startup Process With Ingenious Apps Like Hopscratch

It appears Legal Zoom isn’t the only business inserting itself into the position where an entrepreneur would usually turn to a lawyer. In this article on Entrepreneur.com, they highlight a variety of apps that help entrepreneurs get started. One of these apps is called Hopscratch, which provides several services, including help with legal paperwork.

Link: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/272084

3 thoughts on “Jump-Start Your Startup Process With Ingenious Apps Like Hopscratch

  1. Great article Riley! In scanning through all the different new apps that help start ups run efficiently several stood out to me as being particularly useful. Specifically I really liked the idea behind Cava. Often times people find it hard to attract attention to their ideas without knowledge of design technology because it can be extremely hard to create something that stands out. Cava seems to allow for the everyday person to create something that makes their idea marketable thus breaking down the technology barrier. My only worry with apps such as these is that it might lead to people jumping into a business to quickly without really thinking through the idea which could lead to an increase in failed startups.

  2. I also feel that people will want to get away from using legal zoom if they watched the OJ Simpson series on FX, as it showed Robert Shapiro as kind of a weirdo.