Government, Claiming it Cracked iPhone Security, Drops Legal Action Against Apple

As I am sure most of you already know, the Government has dropped its suit against Apple after successfully hacking into the world’s most famous iPhone without help from its manufacturer.  While I think there is a sigh of relief to have this case blow over, it has merely postponed the constitutional question that must be answered: Can the government force a private entity to do something in the name of homeland protection? Unfortunately, all entrepreneurs who use privacy encryption as a staple for its business will be left in limbo until this question is answered.

On a conspiracy theory note, my brother texted me today saying he thinks Apple folded and gave into the government’s demand in exchange for Apple’s cooperation being completed undisclosed.  I LOVE conspiracy theories, so I am buying this one and Aaron Rodgers swearing he saw a UFO in 2005 (see




3 thoughts on “Government, Claiming it Cracked iPhone Security, Drops Legal Action Against Apple

  1. OK, I think your brother’s theory is ten times more interesting than the actual story. That said, others have claimed all along that the government had this capability, but was attempting to set a precedent. In that respect, then, we have dodged a bullet. For the moment.

  2. It would make sense for Apple to do what you’re suggesting in the conspiracy theory. Apple probably wants to avoid any unfavorable precedent. If Apple felt like it had a chance to lose, this would make sense.

  3. I agree with the conspiracy theory too! It seems like Apple’s biggest concern all along was not wanting to be responsible for cracking it, but if they could do it anonymously, I feel like they totally would. But, I also wouldn’t be surprised if the FBI had the capability all along and it was just about setting precedent.