Why Entrepreneurs might need a Lawyer

Scott Edward Walker points out in his article that the relationshipt between entrepreneurs and their lawyers might sometimes be complicated, and even goes that far to present 10 reasons why the former may start hating the latter. However, this article strongly encourages entrepreneurs to consult with a lawyer at an early stage, not only to avoid some serious legal issues (like a trademark or patent dispute) at all, but also to give their relationship––like in a marriage––time to develop.

The article further gives advice on specific key qualities an entrepreneur should look for when choosing a lawyer, which are: Experience, Understanding, Ability to communicate, and Availability.

One thought on “Why Entrepreneurs might need a Lawyer

  1. Eliane, I agree with the qualities your article lists, on which an entrepreneur should focus when looking for a lawyer. While I’m not exactly sure how serious the writer himself takes the topic and his comparison of legal representation of start-ups and playing in a jam band, I like how he points out specifically that certain skills are necessary for an adequate representation of such newly founded companies in this article:


    And I would agree that being a good listener and being dynamic in giving legal advice are essential qualifications. I also think that he gives good advice by pointing out that a lawyer has to find the balance between becoming excited about the client’s success and keeping the head grounded.