Mayochup – Innovation Fail

I’m so glad we don’t have a topic this week, because I have no idea where this would go. But Heinz’s newly proposed invention, a mixture of ketchup and mayonnaise that was supposed to take the world by storm, is apparently a massive flop. 

Are we just not an enlightened enough populace? Have we spurned the greatest invention since sliced toast? Is this new “Mayochup” just a way for Heinz to rip off Goya’s “Ketchup-Mayo”?

There are so many questions, but above all, I think this exemplifies how out of touch Heinz is with its end-consumer – me. I don’t want this product, and maybe it’s because it reminds me of a cheapened Thousand Island, maybe I want to mix the two condiments myself, or maybe I just don’t want another bottle taking up valuable fridge door space.

I vote a vehement no, you?

For more research on the subject, see Heinz’s failed green ketchup. Look into EZ Squirts multi-colored flop here. 


2 thoughts on “Mayochup – Innovation Fail

  1. Heinz is also out of touch with another customer–me. In my opinion, Heinz is creating a market not to fill a void, but to be different. No one asked for this mix. I also have questions…did they perform tests? Surveys? Give the people what they want–not what they want to see. Why are they willing to put a product out, watch it fail, and then lose millions taking it off the shelves? Just seems backwards to me.

    I actually find it weird that green ketchup failed. Kids love weird stuff.

  2. I’m actually surprised this didn’t sell. I personally wouldn’t buy it, but I often find myself mixing the two in the summer when making cheeseburgers. I actually wonder if this comes from Heinz trying to be too in touch with the consumer. Maybe the scraped social media data to see that people were using the hashtag “#mayochup” and decided to get into the space to monetize the trend? Who knows. Big companies do weird things and this strikes me more as a marketing ploy than innovation. That being said, I bet a small batch, local, gourmet, craft whatever version of this same product would probably sell haha.