Homeless Entrepreneur

My homelessness hunt also led me to this website which aims at connecting those who are homeless with those who desire to help. This was emphasized in the presentation earlier today. The charity currently operates in Spain & Pakistan, but is actively looking to expand with the goal of eliminating homelessness. I really liked their emphasis on leveraging the skills that homeless individuals already possess to help them get on their feet again. Their homepage states, “Having an entrepreneurial spirit is the best way to become an active citizen again!” Once again, it would be great to hear what the team that presented on homelessness thinks about this approach as they are much more well versed in this area than I am.

2 thoughts on “Homeless Entrepreneur

  1. I was not on the team that presented on homelessness, but I think this organization is a fantastic idea. I would imagine that a huge part of the problem for homeless people getting employed rests in simply starting the process. I liked how they said: “We provide homeless people with resources, tools, knowledge, a network of supporters, and dignity to help them become the professionals they were before, be it as an employee, entrepreneur, or business owner.” I think when we think of homeless people, we forget the fact that there could have been a time when each of them was a gainfully employed, contributing member of the society. Helping them use the skills that they already have to obtain a job seems like an obvious answer that many overlook.

  2. This is an interesting organization, it reminds me of another organization situated in Lawrence, MA with a similar mission. I wonder how the framework of this organization is set up. How exactly do they provide these resources to homeless individuals to become entrepreneurs? Thoughts?