The Officers


Maria Vigil, Secretary

FacetuneMaria Vigil (Secretary, Soprano) is a senior Piano Performance and Pre-Health major from Albuquerque, New Mexico. She discovered the Notre Dame Folk Choir by happenstance as a freshman looking for a choir to sing in, and it has taken her life by storm ever since.  Music has always been an integral part of her life, but the chance to participate in liturgical music ministry has opened her eyes to an entirely new way of using music to touch people’s lives. Maria’s favorite pieces from the Folk Choir’s repertoire are the setting of the Lord’s Prayer and “Come My Way, My Truth, My Life.” Maria is excited to serve as the secretary for this wonderful group of musicians this next year. After graduation, Maria hopes to attend medical school and become a physician. You can contact Maria at




Greg Demet, Social & Service Commissioner

unnamedGreg Demet (Social Commissioner, Bass) is in his fourth year of a five-year program from which he will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and a Master of Business Administration. He is from Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin, and joined the Folk Choir mostly due his random placement in 2014-2015 Dillon RA and Folk Choir Bass, Geoff Burdell’s section. Having sung in his high school choir, Greg had not previously been involved in liturgical music, but has found one of his truest passions and pleasures in the Folk Choir. Some of the quickest ways to Greg’s heart are through The Lord of the Rings, the Green Bay Packers, and red meat, ideally paired with a chilled Wisconsin beverage. Feeling immense gratitude for the friendship and love he has received from the Folk Choir, Greg hopes to continue that tradition as Social Commissioner. His favorite pieces sung by the Folk Choir are Chrysogonus Waddell’s “Jesus Lives” and Steven C. Warner’s “Christ Has No Body Now But Yours.” Uncertain of his future, the latter of these pieces inspires and challenges him in his discernment. You can contact Greg at