New Books in Summer 2019
Posted on August 14, 2019 in UncategorizedWe anticipate an increased interest in Irish art on account of the Snite Museum’s fall exhibition: “Looking at the Stars”: Irish Art at the University of Notre Dame.
Sea Star: Sean Scully at the National Gallery.
A catalogue published in coordination with an exhibition at the National Gallery, London. Written by Daniel F. Herrmann and Colin Wiggins. With poetry by Vahni Capildeo and Kelly Grovier and a photo essay by Eimear McBride. London: National Gallery, 2019.
Hesburgh Library: ND 497 .S414 A4 2019
Harry Clarke and Artistic Visions of the New Irish State.
By Angela Griffin, Marguerite H. Helmers and Roisin Askale Kennedy. Irish Academic Press, 2019.
New Book Area NK 5398 .C64 H37 2019
As usual, there is a steady stream of literature and of books on literature.
Sebastian Barry, On Blueberry Hill. Faber. PR 6052 .A729 O49 2017
Thomas McCarthy, Prophecy. Carcanet. PR 6063 .A16315 A6 2019 (New Book Area)
Caroline O’Donoghue, Promising young women. Virago. PR 6115 .D659 P76 2019
Margaret Perry, Porcelain. Samuel French. PR 6116 .E765 P67 2018
Kat Woods. Killymuck. Samuel French. PR 6123 .O546 K55 2019
Rebecca Ziegler, J. G. Farrell’s empire novels: The decline and fall of the human condition. Four Courts. PR 6056 .A75 Z54 2019
James Pethica, ed., Lady Gregory’s early Irish writings 1883-1893 . Colin Smythe. PR 4728 .G5 A6 2018
Nils Beese, Writing Slums: Dublin, dirt and literature. Peter Lang. PR 8722 .S58 B44 2018
Patrick Lonergan, Irish drama and theatre since 1950. Bloomsbury Methuen Drama. PR 8783 .L66 2019
History is a very broad category in Irish Studies.
If a book is listed as an e-book, the electronic book may be accessed from its catalog entry.
Faith Binckes and Kathryn Long. Hannah Lynch (1859-1904): Irish Writer, Cosmopolitan, New Woman. Cork UP. PR 4897 .L585 B56 2019
Ruth A. Canning. The Old English in Early Modern Ireland: The Palesmen and the Nine Years’ War, 1594-1603. Boydell Press, DA 937.3 .C36 2019
Timothy Walch. Irish Iowa. History Press. F 615 .I6 W35 2019 New Book Area
James Loughlin. Faschism and Constitutional Conflict: The British Extreme Right and Ulster in the Twentieth Century. Liverpool UP. E-book.
Ian d’Alton and Ida Milne, editors. Protestant and Irish: The Minority’s Search for Place in Independent Ireland. Cork UP. DA 959 .P765 2019

Irish Times review, 8 December 2018. The Maamtrasna Murders: Language, Life and Death in Nineteent-Century Ireland. REview by Christopher KIssane.
Margaret Kelleher. The Maamtrasna Murders: Language, Life and Death in Nineteenth-Century Ireland. UCD Press. HV 6535 .I742 K45 2018
Gerald Hayes. The Blasket Islandman: The Life and Legacy of Tomás Ó Criomhthain. Collins Press. DA 990 .B65 H28 2018
Mark Loughrey. A Century of Service: A History of the Irish Nurses’ and Midwives’ Organisation 1919-2019. Irish Academic Press. RG 964 .I73 L68 2019
John Gibney, Tommy Graham and Georgina Laragy, editors. 1916-18: Changed Utterly. History Pub. DA 562 .A15 2017
Always remember that there is a great variety of periodicals on the Hesburgh Library’s second floor (first floor if you’re from Ireland). Ask for a tour if you would like to know more.