New Arrivals in December 2019
Posted on December 12, 2019 in UncategorizedTo whet the appetite, here is a selection of recent arrivals from Ireland. They will soon be cataloged and available on the shelves.

‘Binneas an tSiansa’: Aistí in onóir do Ríonach uí Ógáin. Life, Lore and Song. Essays in Irish Tradition in Honour of Ríonach uí Ógáin

Louise Ryan and Margaret Ward. Irish Women and nationalsim: Soldiers, New Women and Wicked Hags. New edition. Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 2019.
J. P. Donleavy. A Letter marked Personal. Dublin: Lilliput Press, 2019.
Remember to check the New Books section to see recent arrivals to our shelves.