2020 Books on Irish Life, Music and Art: A Selection
Posted on January 30, 2021 in Uncategorized by Aedin
I particularly like to highlight books that do not fall into the categories of literature or history as they may not be as easy to find by browsing the collections. All of these books arrived in the library during 2020.

Mary J. Murphy. Achill Painters: An Island History: with the stories of Belgian Expressionist Marie Howet & art doyenne Eva O’Flaherty. Knockma Publishing, 2020. ND 496 .M87 2020
S. Hodges. The Works of J. M. W. Turner at the National Gallery of Ireland. National Gallery of Ireland, 2017. ND 497 .T8 A4 2017b
Ann Lane. By the Way 2: a selection of public art in Ireland. Wordwell, 2019. NB 485 .L362 2019
R. A. Stalley. Early Irish Sculpture and the Art of the High Crosses. Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, 2020
Cynthia Thickpenny, ed. Peopling Insular Art: Practice, Performance, Perception. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Insular Art, Glasgow, 2017. Oxbow Books.
Seán Scully: Human. Exhibition Curated by Javier Molins. Milan: Skira, 2019. ND 237 .S43735 A4 2019
Sean Williams. Focus: Irish Traditional Music. Second edition. Routledge, 2020. Ebook.
Colin F. Harte. The Bodhrán. Experimentation, Innovation, and the Traditional Irish Frame Drum. University of Tennessee Press, 2020. Music Library (O’Neill Hall) ML 1038 .B63 H37
Christine Kinealy and Gerard Moran (eds.), Irish Famines Before and After the Great Hunger. Cork University Press. DA 950.7 .I75 2020
Leanne Howe and Padraig Kirwan (eds.). Famine Pots: The Choctaw Irish Gift Exchange, 1849-present. Cork University Press. E99 .C8 F36 2020 – also online
Paul Harron and Kenneth Milne, eds. Irish Anglicanism 1969-2019: Essays to Mark the 150th Anniversary of the Disestablishment of the Church of Ireland. Dublin: Four Courts Press. BX 5550 .I75 2019 (also as an ebook)
Gerald Dawe. The Sound of the Shuttle: Essays on Cultural Belonging and Protestantism in Northern Ireland. Irish Academic Press, 2020. BX 4839 .D39 2020
Karl Kitching. Childhood, Religion and School Injustice. Cork University Press, 2020. LA 669.61 .K58 2020 (also an ebook)
Bryan Fanning and Lucy Michael, eds. Immigrants as Outsiders in the Two Irelands. Manchester University Press, 2019. JV 7712 .I46 2019
Eoin O’Sullivan. Reimagining Homelessness for Policy and Practice. Policy Press, 2020. HV 4548 .A4 O88 2020