100 Years of James Joyce’s Ulysses: Catalog of an Exhibition
Posted on February 14, 2022 in Special collections by Aedin
The following is a catalog of the Spotlight Exhibit currently in the RBSC Exhibit Room, along with the catalog of the ‘Pop-Up Exhibition’, the one-afternoon arrangement of Ulysses editions and art, held on February 9th. 2022.

Spring Spotlight Exhibit:
Ulysses. James Joyce. Shakespeare and Company. 12, Rue de l’Odéon, 12. Paris, 1922. The first edition, published February 2, 1922. This edition was limited to 1,000 copies. This copy is number 742.
Ulysses. James Joyce. First English edition (printed in France). Published for the Egoist Press, London by John Rodker, Paris, 1922.
[A Protest], Paris, 2nd February, 1927. An original printed copy of the protest and appeal issued on Joyce’s birthday, 2nd February, 1927, against the unauthorized publication of sections of Joyce’s Ulysses by the American publisher Samuel Roth in his Two Worlds Monthly magazine. 167 signatories, including artists and writers of many nationalities, signed this protest which was printed in Transition in April 1927.
Two Worlds Monthly, December 1926. Edited by Samuel Roth. 14 episodes of Ulysses were reprinted without permission and in twelve instalments,a bowdlersized form in Two Worlds Monthly, New York, from 1926

February Spotlight Exhibit
Eccles Street, from the special limited edition In Medias Res: The Ulysses Maps: A Dublin Odyssey. By David Lilburn. Printed by Stoney Road Press, Dublin.
Other prints from the suite, placed on temporary display on Feb. 9th were Loop Bridge, Phoenix Park and Howth.
Thanks to the Analog Conservation Unit for mounting and preparing the books and prints, and to Sara Weber whose artistic design work makes an attractive exhibition from a shelf of books.
The following catalog of books and prints was prepared along with Arpit Kumar, who co-curated the one afternoon ‘pop-up exhibit’.
Editions on Display, February 9th
Ulysses by James Joyce. Paris: Shakespeare and Company. Ninth printing, 1927.
Ulysses by James Joyce. Hamburg: The Odyssey Press, 1932. (In two volumes.)
Ulysses by James Joyce. Hamburg: The Odyssey Press, 1939. (In two volumes.)
Ulysses by James Joyce. New York: Random House, 1934. First American Edition.
Ulysses by James Joyce. New York: Limited Editions Club, 1935. With an introduction by Stuart Gilbert and illustrations by Henri Matisse. This book was a gift from Donald Keough.

Ulysses by James Joyce. London: The Bodley Head, 1936. Number 993 of 1,000 copies.
Ulysses by James Joyce. Translated to French by M. Auguste Morel with M. Stuart Gilbert. The translation was reviewed by M. Valery Larbaud with the collaboration of the author. Paris: La Maison des Amis des Livres (Adrienne Monnier), 1929.
Ulysses von James Joyce. Translated to German by Georg Goyert. Basel: Rhein-Verlag, 1927. In three volumes. Made available by the Smurfit Collection in Irish Studies.
Uiliséas a chum James Joyce. Translated by Breasal Uilsean and Séamas Ó hInnéirghe. Belfast: Foilseacháin Inis Gleoire, 1984-1991 (dates are not confirmed). 12 volumes.
James Joyce Ulysses: A Facsimile of the Manuscript. With a critical introduction by Harry Levin and a bibliographical preface by Clive Driver. New York: Octagon Books, 1975. Two volumes.
James Joyce Ulysses: The Manuscript and First Printings Compared, annotated by Clive Driver. New York: Octagon Books, 1975.
Art, Photography and Other Books
The Works of Master Poldy, edited by Stephen Cole. Dublin: The Salvage Press, 2013.
James Joyce. 9 Portraits by Josef Breitenbach. Dublin: The Towers, 2004.
Joyce’s Ulysses by D. Lasky. Minit Classics, 1991.
James Joyce in Paris: His Final Years, by Gisèle Freund and V. B. Carleton, with a preface by Simone de Beauvoir. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1965.
These books may be requested by readers to study in our Reading Room.