New Books from Ireland, 2022
Posted on August 31, 2022 in Uncategorized by Aedin

A selection of the books published in Ireland that reached our Hesburgh Library shelves this year:
Claire Breay, Joanna Story and Eleanor Jackson, eds. Manuscripts in the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms. Four Courts Press.
Richard Doherty.. Irish Men and Women in the Second World War. Four Courts Press.
New Book Area Z 106.5 .G7 B7 2021*
Jonathan Jeffrey Wright. Crime and Punishment in Nineteenth-Century Belfast: The Story of John Linn. Four Courts Press.. HV 6248 .L564 W74 2020
Joseph Brady and Ruth McManus. Building Healthy Homes. Dublin Corporation’s First Housing Schemes 1880-1925. Dublin City Council. HD 7336 .A3 B725 2021
Sinéad McCoole… et al. Against the Odds: A History of the Foundation of the Salesian Sisters in Ireland. Limerick: Salesian Sisters. BX 4333.4 .Z9 L56 2020
Thomas J. Morrissey. Mission to a Suffering People: Irish Jesuits 1596-1696. Irish Messenger Publications.
BX 3719 .M67 2021
Kenneth Shonk. Ireland’s New Traditionalists: Fianna Fáil Republicanism and Gender, 1926-1938. Cork University Press. JN 1571.5 .F5 S56 2021
Katharine Tynan. The Death Spancel, and Others.. Swan River Press. PR 4790 .H3 D43 2020
Éilís Ní Dhuibhne, ed. Look! It’s a Woman Writer! Irish Literary Feminisms. Arlen House.
PR 8753 .L66 2021
Jessie Lendennie. The Salmon’s Tale, A Journey in Poetry. Salmon Press. Special Coll. (MR)Medium PR 6062 .E55 S25 2021
Dorothy Macardle. The Unforeseen. Tramp Press. PR 6025 .A124 U52 2017
Daniel Mulhall. Ulysses: A Reader’s Odyssey. New Island. PR 6025 .A124 U52 2017
John Carey. Táin Bó Cúalgne: From the Book of Leinster. Irish Text Society. PB 1347 .I72 no.32
Celia de Fréine. I bhFreagra ar Rilke. PB 1399 .D37 I24 2020
Derek Mahon. The Poems (1961-2020). Gallery Press.
PR 6063 .A34 2021
Derek Mahon. The Adaptations (1975-2020).
Gallery Press, 2022. New Book Area PR 6063 .A34 A652 2022

Ní Dhomhnaill, Nuala. The Multilingual Mermaid. Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill in Translation. Gallery Press.
PB 1399 .N473 A1995 2021
Erin Halliday. The volary. Arlen House.
PR 6108 .A4958 V65 2019
Cathal Ó Searcaigh. Laoithe Cumainn agus Dánta Eile. Arlen House.
PB 1399 .O778 L36 2020
The selection above is a small sample of the many books that arrived from Ireland in the past year.
*Books marked ‘New Book Area’ will eventually be moved to their permanent shelving location. The New Book Area is a good place to browse for new books, especially in the DA section on Irish history, the PB section for Irish language literature and the PR section which includes literature from Britain and from Ireland.