Undergraduate publishes paper in scientific journal

by Lisa Chin, MSPS Intern

Third-year biological sciences major Olaf Rodriguez is one focused and motivated student. His most recent accomplishment was the publication of “Translational selection of genes coding for perfectly conserved proteins among three mosquito vectors” in the journal of Infection, Genetics, and Evolution. He was the lead author for the research team. Rodriguez studied the translational efficiency of genes among three mosquito vector species including those of dengue virus, malaria, and West Nile Virus.  His work was guided by Dr. Susanta Behura, a research assistant professor in the Eck Institute for Global Health, who investigates dengue susceptibility in Aedes aegypti.  This mentorship was fostered in Rodriguez’s first year through Building Bridges, a mentoring program in Multicultural Student Programs and Services (MSPS), and it has proven instrumental in Rodriguez’s research success.

Rodriguez had a strong interest in genomics applications in diseases and disease causing vectors in high school, leading him to the partnership with Dr. Behura.  Building Bridges provided the connection between Rodriguez and Dr. Behura to further his research interests.  Rodriguez commends Dr. Behura for his commitment to developing his interest in biology: “Without Behura’s unending patience, phenomenal instruction and complete willingness to dedicate so much of his time to my progress, this publication would not have been possible.”  Dr. Behura calls Building Bridges an “innovative and strategic mentoring program that helps students excel in their overall academic achievements including enhancing research experiences in different fields.”  He emphasizes the active role Building Bridges has played in creating partnerships between undergraduates and faculty.

Rodriguez’s goals for the future continue to motivate him and shape his time management skills and study habits as he pursues an undergraduate degree in biological sciences.  Dr. Behura describes Rodriguez’s systematic manner towards achieving the goals of a research project, speed and efficiency, and natural talent in computing and data analysis as tremendous assets in the lab.  These factors have led to the exceptional accomplishments the two have achieved in their research together.

On a final note, Rodriguez offers some advice to first-year students or any students involved in research.  When working with professors and mentors, “no matter how many times it takes for it to click, or for you to remember, ask questions, write down the response, and don’t be afraid to ask for help,” says Rodriguez.  He also emphasizes the importance of learning the basics in order to build on these skills in the future to promote deeper learning. Dr. Behura explains the importance of engaging in research early on: “If they can hit the ground running at this early stage, they will have tremendous opportunities to excel in graduate level research and to publish and demonstrate their leadership in the field.”

University of Notre Dame Discriminatory Harassment Reporting Procedure

MSPS seeks to provide a forum for the discussion of racial equity, on campus and beyond. What we ask of the students, faculty, and staff, is a willingness to enter into conversations that celebrate the backgrounds of all people and foster an inclusive community.

However, if you need to report an alleged incident of discrimination, there are policies and procedures in place to address these issues:

The University of Notre Dame believes in the intrinsic value of all human beings. It is, moreover, committed to the full, peaceable participation of all its members in the educational endeavor it fosters. Accordingly, the University prohibits discriminatory harassment by all administrators, faculty, staff, and students. The University is also committed to the free expression and advocacy of ideas and wishes to maintain the integrity of this commitment as well. (Office of Institutional Equity website)

♦ To see the University of Notre Dame’s reporting procedure on Discriminatory Harassment, click here.

Definition of Harassment: Harassment is any physical conduct that intentionally inflicts injury on the person or property of another, or any intentional threat of such conduct; any hostile, intentional, and persistent badgering, addressed directly at another, or group of others, that is intended to intimidate its victim(s) from any University activity; or any verbal attack, intended to provoke the victim to immediate physical retaliation.

Definition of Discriminatory Harassment: Conduct, as described above, constitutes discriminatory harassment, if it is accompanied by intentionally demeaning expressions concerning the race, gender, religion, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, national origin, or disability of the victim(s). (Office of Institutional Equity website)

Every individual has the duty to report incidences of Discriminatory Harassment.

♦ Who Should I contact?

Students: If you need to report an alleged incident of discrimination, click here.

Faculty or Staff: Contact your manager, chair, dean, or Human Resources.

You may also report an alleged incident of discriminatory harassment to the Discriminatory Harassment Ombudsperson, Dwight King. The telephone number for the Ombudsperson is 631-3909.

Win a Playstation 3 how?

Check out the MSPS Welcome Back Picnic this Thursday, September 13th from 4-6pm on North Quad for a chance to win a free Playstation 3.

Absolutely everyone is invited.

Of course, we’ll have free food, free music and dancing, and a free photobooth, as well. Along with more giveaways and prizes.

The Welcome Back Picnic is MSPS’ annual picnic-style, large-scale event for over 1,000 folks and welcoming all students, faculty, and staff back to Notre Dame for the start of another school year. Absolutely everyone is invited.

The picnic also provides an opportunity for MSPS and its campus partners and clubs to share information about our missions, goals, and upcoming events.

MSPS exists at Notre Dame to strive always for racial equity and social justice. And there isn’t a better way to usher in a new year and to organize and to confront new challenges together than with a giant picnic on North Quad, one to which absolutely everyone is invited.

You are welcome here always.